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Convert PVE to PVP and vise versa

Closed 2.6.4


So, in the documentation it doesn't actually state what the "Convert PVE to PVP" and "Convert PVP to PVE" values actually do. More specifically, in what use case would someone enable this to true instead of false? Is it used to flip flop the chances? For example, talking about maintained events, if I set the "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)" value to 15.0, and also set both "Convert PVE to PVP" and "Convert PVP to PVE" to true, would the random spawn chance for a PVP be inverted to 85.0% chance?

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it's self-explanatory which is at least how I try to name all of the options if I can 😛

it converts the raid from pve to pvp and vis-versa.

no, chance to randomly spawn pvp overrides this setting.

it's use case is having each event type be PVE or PVP. so you could have Maintained Events be PVP and Buyable Events be PVE.

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