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Needed updates

Closed 1.0.1


Having made a few maps myself,  I know first hand how hard it is to release a map without a few minor things being missed.  So this is by no means a criticism of your work. 

There are several spots where the train tracks cross a road where the path nodes need to be snapped together so they share the same plane.  A couple of the crossings are not passable because the rail is so high above the road. 

There is one tunnel entrance (I forget which one) where there is floating snowy grass. 

The At-At in the desert with the vault door that's on its side has a component to it that creates a hill that's above the floor of the map.  This creates a cavity in which NPCs (animals & zombies) can spawn below and they become trapped.  You can hear them beneath you but you can't see them because they are on the actual map floor, not the prefab.

Overall,  great job on the map! My players are loving it, and all those prefabs are amazing.  I can't imagine the time it took to do them all. 





Edited by Tater
Repeated word.
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Thank you so much for the feedback, I'll be home soon and fix everything the players found.  I will release the update after October 11th

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