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Diffrent pvp and pve for bases

Closed 2.6.4



Is there a way to make certain base pve and other pvp. Id like to have easy med and hard random and buyable bases pve. And have Nightmare and expert bases pvp and have randoms able to enter and fight for the loot.



no, you can have a random chance for PVE or PVP for ALL difficulties, but you cannot do it individually

"Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 50.0,

you can use Convert PVP to PVE for Buyable Events even if all profiles are PVP though. this requires Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids be set true. they're going to be converted to PVE anyway so theres no reason to set it false.

you cannot lock individual difficulties either. it applies to all difficulties just like PVE and PVP above

it would be too confusing for users if i moved these options into the profiles, too. all their settings for those options would be reset and i really don't like resetting options if i can help it. if you can come up with a solution then i'll consider it.

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