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Console spam

Not a Bug 6.0.2



This started happening after installing the plugin. Not sure if this is supposed to happen. The server seems to hang up too randomly? I'm not sure if that's related or not as it happened a couple times before this plugin, but it's more often than before. This is happening like everyday now. 


IMR Games


Hello! I'm not seeing any console error in your message at the moment. 


Posted (edited)

Seems it deleted what I had sent? This should be what it was supposed to send! Though, it think this happened because of a plugin. I'll attach the log so you can see. We unloaded a plugin called Random Wrapped Gifts by Razor and it seemed to calm down? At least so far anyways. I don't know if the latest monthly update broke it or if there's some compatibility issue with it with this plugin? We didn't really have too much of an issue with it till recently. 



Edited by GangstaPichu
IMR Games


Hey @GangstaPichu.

First of I recommend you delete the log you send. These support requests are public unless you specifically open the support request as private.
Next time I would like to recommend sending oxide logs via pms to plugin creators or opening the support request as private. For now though as I said just delete the attachment.

Second of all, this is a bit unrelated to the topic of this support request, but it seems you have set your save interval to 1 min? Going for a 20min save interval is recommended (or somewhere around there - although if you did this change recently because of your current crashing issues then that is fair)

Ok now to the actual topic. It seems you have configured Timed Execute to reload the RandomWrappedGift plugin? Reloading plugins is a bit of a volatile operation in that it at the very least lags the server and perhaps it may also have something to do with the crashes you are seeing. You shouldn't be reloading plugins regularly on a live server.
I assume there is a reason for why you are reloading it? Let me know perhaps it is something we can help you to fix.

So a quick summary, I think the fact that you are reloading RandomWrappedGift on a regular basis may be, at the very least, increasing the chance of your server crashing.

(quick note: I almost missed the picture you send, for some reason I had to press on a big white square to see what it was. The "TTTimeWarning TTDictionaryMemSync.Execute() TOOK 0.0139 MS" you are seeing is not errors, it's more like performance reporting when the server saves just like how many plugins print lines like "Calling OnServerSave in Clans Took 200MS" for instance. The only reason this is "spamming" so much at the moment is because of the high server save rate - which is 1 more "issue" about a high save rate - we talk about that above)



I don't know how to open up support requests as private? Though, I will keep that in mind for next time! I made sure I deleted all of it. 

First, the saves. I had no clue they were set so low? I'm not sure who set that. I'm not the server owner btw. I'm a manager for the server in question. I changed the save rate to 5 minutes like our other server (i'm not even sure the owner knew it was saving so much?). Probably will help a bit as the servers are really heavy on stuff since people randomly place stuff everywhere due to the nature of random items being given. We also save a lot because we've had previous issues of crashing on the server and a 20 min rollback used to be pretty detrimental in the past. Might be able to scale it back more later on if the issues have fully subsided. Still tweaking things just for performance alone for the new server which these problems mostly popped up on. 

Second, for what I know there's an issue with it maybe? I know it's reloaded to give out wrapped presents. I think it doesn't work that well or something otherwise? I'll have to double check on that. I know there is a plugin timed execute is used for to reload since it's like on life support from what I heard, I don't think it's that one though. Something is like broken in it. 

Thing is, I don't know why it's giving us issues on the new server we have. The older one wrapped presents does fine. Also, it was spamming the Time Warnings until it was unloaded for some reason? It still would save every minute, but I think something was messing with it? I'm not entirely sure. Ever since it was unloaded, we still have not had any issues. 

Despite some other things I found in the logs that need to be touched up on eventually, that seems to have been the issue? I'm not entirely sure why though. 

IMR Games

Posted (edited)

@GangstaPichunoticed you have a syntax error in your IMRGEntityControl config. This is preventing the plugin from working. (In case you haven't noticed that)


04:05 [Error] IMRGEntityControl v3.1.0: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (Invalid property identifier character: {. Path '['Prefab Groups'][2]['Default Limits']', line 51, position 4.)
04:05 [Error] Could not initialize plugin 'IMRGEntityControl v3.1.0' (JsonReaderException: Invalid property identifier character: {. Path '['Prefab Groups'][2]['Default Limits']', line 51, position 4.)


Regarding reloading that gift plugin though, do you mind sending the config for it?
I have a theory as to why the plugin has to be reloaded regularly but I would need the config to back it up.

Edited by IMR Games


Oh, yeah. I did see that. Just haven't gotten around to that. Been messing with a lot of things recently. I ended up kinda forgetting about it. I should do that before hitting the hay tonight. 

Also, sure! Oh and I forgot to mention I did ask the owner about it. He said it just would randomly stop working. That's why it was on a timer, but you are welcome to see! There's not a lot in the config. 


IMR Games


Hey I found the issue you are getting regarding RandomWrappedGift @GangstaPichu.

The developer of RandomWrappedGift (Ryz0r) has a few mistakes in his code. I will spare you the deep details. But a quick explanation is:

1. Your config has invalid item shortnames (holosight and attire.nestha) RyzOr did not write the plugin such that that would give an obvious error message.

2. RyzOr accidently programmed the plugin in such a way that the first issue mentioned above caused the plugin to crash entirely (of which all you guys could reasonably do is reloading the plugin)

Yeah this is really not on you guys, there is no way you could have known what was actually wrong if someone didn't reverse engineer the plugin which I did.
This would not have been a problem for you guys if Ryz0r didn't do these mistakes.

So to summarize, to fix RandomWrappedGitfs being unstable, simply fix the 2 invalid item shortnames (holosight and attire.nestha)

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Thanks a lot for that! I will change those right away. Yeah, had no clue that was even happening. There were never any obvious errors. I wonder how many times it was the plugin that crashed the server and not anything else. We've been running this plugin for probably a year...? Have had crashes on and off sometimes. Had some issues with the hosting and some other things, so maybe it helped aid those as well. Server will sometimes hang up randomly and it could be good for a couple of weeks or so. It doesn't happen often, well not till this month for some reason? It was definitely a lot more rare that something major would happen. 

IMR Games


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