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Can't disable autorun on admin plugins

Closed 3.1.5 3.1.6



     I have, god vanish and radar, but no matter how i set this up, its always enabled upon entering admin mode


  "Third-Party Plugins": {
            "Autorun Plugins": {
              "Autorun All": false,
              "Autorun Specfic": {
                "AdminRadar": false,
                "Vanish": false,
                "Godmode": false
            "Blocked Plugins": {
              "Block All": false,
              "Block Specfic": {
                "Backpacks": false,
                "AdminRadar": false,
                "Vanish": false,
                "Godmode": false

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Posted (edited)

also is there a way to edit AdminToggle prefix and this message: "You are missing a reason to toggle "admin" mode. ? and generaly i would appreciate a lang file for mods that does not speak english very well...


Edited by TomNXT
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Did you asign your self to 2 modes?
If you assigned yourself to the default mode (master) and a custom mode you made let's say the moderator mode
If moderator mode has a lower Priority level than the default mode (master) and you are assigned to both it will pick the mode for you with the highest  Priority level



No there is not currently a way to edit the messages to the plugin as they are hard coded 



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress


Posted (edited)

also its nice that there is a button to activate admin mode, but if you have a reason requirement enabled, its pointless as it wont work unless you type a reason into chat which also activates it, it would be nice for turning off atleast, but there is no option for that (so it would only appear while in admin mode like a kill switch, but not in player mode)

Edited by TomNXT
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Posted (edited)

Button can be turned off in Interface section
And if you really wanna change messages Open the file AdminToggle.cs
Look at this But DO ONLY change the stuff between the quotes


Edited by Xray


please make permissions lowercase & no special symbols

 "Permission": "Moderátor",


"Permission": "moderator",



Posted (edited)

lovely, thanks i could not find it in the cs file first time i was looking there, btw about that button i meant that its pointless to have it there as a player as it cant work for turning on the admin mode, but its usable as a killswitch while in admin mode, if there would be an option for that (to have it shown only in admin mode as a killswitch) that would be great


btw those plugins still autorun on enabling admin mode, and about lowercase permissions i did that to make it look esthetically better, i tried it with and without it and see no difference...


also im now trying to "add to group" while switching to admin mode but it only adds you into the group but when switching back to player mode, it does not remove that oxide group


dont you have a discord? this will take eternity, mine is TomNXT#3992


next issue, its asking me to enter a reason to disable admin mode... sometimes it works sometimes it wants a reason when leaving...

Edited by TomNXT
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I do not provide support through discord anymore I use this system



I will test the issues with your config once i got some time to do so as it works for me on my dev server with default config


Posted (edited)

aight, it will take eternity then... 😄

List of my current issues if you'd be that kind and try solving them or fixing them that would be nice:

1. Godmode, Vanish, Radar plugins still autorun on switching to admin mode. 

2. If you enable "reason requirement" then alot of times it asks you for a reason when you are LEAVING the admin mode.

3. If you do this "Group Toggle (Leave blank to disable)": ["moderator"], for assigning an oxide group, it assigns it when entering admin mode, but it does not remove it when you leave.

4. Missing lang file - solved via editing lines inside the plugin (but if there is a new version it gets overwritten so its not very practical)

5. This should be default, people can run admintime 12 while in admin mode, and when they leave they can roam in night easily

  "On Player": {
          "Autorun Commands Use Forward Slash '/' For Chat-Commands & Leave It Blank For Console-Commands": [
            "global.adminclouds -1",
            "global.adminfog -1",
            "global.adminlight -1",
            "global.adminrain -1",
            "global.admintime -1",
            "debug.ambientvolumes true"

6. Option to hide notification button in admin mode so we can use it like a killswitch and dont have to type in chat. As otherwise that button is useless when we have a reason requirement enabled and cant use it to activate the admin mode.


im including all the configs, + picture that its asking me to enter a reason while im trynna leave the admin mode



Vanish.json Godmode.json AdminRadar.json

Edited by TomNXT
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Posted (edited)

Thanks for providing the detailed list of stuff i need to do as it's easier to get right to it then
You have provided an exact list of issues i can go right after and test with your config you was really precise and got right to it i appreciate that
I will look into it as soon as  i got some time

Edited by Xray

Posted (edited)

btw its fucked even on a secondary fresh server


figured out a way to disable it on switching modes by running same commands on a switch xD, its spamming chat but it works, ive had to disable interface button as that thing sometimes will appear sometimes not after connection and disconnection... so thats kind of broken as well but i disable it and its fine without it... only thing that cant be somehow fixed by me is that group switching... 


also this sometimes keeps flashing after connecting even though im not in admin mode


Edited by TomNXT
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Changed Fixed In to Next Version



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