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Oil Rig Now Empty

Closed 2.0.8

Im able to spawn scientists and murderers in the different biomes no problem. I can also spawn them in the available monuments listed in the default-profiles.json file, but my oil rigs are now empty.  I also noticed the giant excavator is now empty. 

The giant excavator is listed in the default profiles file, so I think I can add scientists back there if I want, although Im unsure if theyll be on the ground or up on the excavator where they normally are. 

My main issue is how to repopulate the oil rig(s) if they arent listed as an available monument in the default profiles file.

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  • Administrator


BotSpawn doesn't do anything to the default populations at those two locations.

If they're missing it's because the server hasn't been live long enough for them to spawn or they've all been killed by someone or another plugin.


If you have CustomLoot installed it has a command "Repop" built in which should respawn those npcs.
I put it in mostly for convenience when testing and forgot to remove it.

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Well, it appears I spoke too soon and it was just an issue of waiting a little longer to let things populate properly.  Thank you for helping in such a fast manner. 

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