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TC and box problem

Closed 1.5.8 1.5.10


I have problems.
TC - i can put items for "Tool storage"
Also, i do stack size of resourses to 250000(cupboard set settings to 0.5) so it should be 125000( right, but not always )
items still moves on 250000, not always.
When you put items in wooden storage box(for example) by the right click mouse from the box to inventiry, i got default stack size (1000) i moved stone wood sulfur.
I don't know if it was bcuz of plugin, but in NPC outpost vendor, items split to infiniti when u buy alot items per click.
for example, i have 250000 stack size.
selling stones i can get over million stack of wood xD
sorry my english is bad. when you need i can record a short video.

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