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I don't get the loot that is in example

Closed 1.0.9


When I finish the enemy I don't get the scrap reward that is the default in the configuration.

      "Which loot table should the plugin use? (1 - own; 2 - loot table of the Rust objects; 3 - combine the 1 and 2 methods)": 1,

And don´t work...

Edited by cuervomareao
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Are you ensuring that you are killing the same boss that you have configured this way? Or are all bosses set up with this method?

Do you get any errors when reloading the plugin or when you kill one of the bosses?

What loot are they dropping instead, if any?

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No worries at all. Have to make mistakes to learn from them!

Let us know if you have any other issues.

I'll see if I can be quicker than you figuring it out next time. 😉

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