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Name of PVP Zone

Closed 2.0.4



Hey, is there a possibility to add "[PVP]" to the Zone name?

I want that my indicator becomes red when entering the airship





@S1L3NT do you already have a plugin that adds this to most PvP zones automatically?

The plugin does not do it by itself. I have not tested it myself with a plugin that does this but I do know that they exist. They may already be compatible or be made to be compatible.

I'll add this to the suggestion bank though as this gives me an idea for how it could be implemented into the event plugins. Thank you for sharing the idea.

If you are looking for a short term way to do this you may consider looking for the plugin(s) that already show PvP and PvE so that we can test if it already works.


Posted (edited)

Hey Jbird!


I added a bit of Code to the ZoneManagerAutoZones. This one creates automatically PVP Zones on selected Monuments. i just added " + [PVP] " in the string.

( string friendlyname = "Small " + monument.displayPhrase.english + " [PVP] "

but i can not create or rename the PvP Zone from the AirEvent, so my indicator stays green with "PVE" text for the PvP Zone.


I hope you understand what i say, my english is not that good


Thats not something with high priority, because i can show my Players with a little Chatmessage that this is a PvP Zone, and on the Top Screen it will show this message too, but it would be a "nice to have" 🙂

Edited by S1L3NT
added text


Thank you for the feedback, the idea, and the understanding.

We will look into this and get back to you soon.

I may have an idea that could work, but my only concern with it is that since this plugin is not using ZoneManager, I am not sure how simple or difficult it might be to incorporate into what you are already using. If an alternate way to see that the area were PvP would that still be acceptable? Just asking as we look into a potential resolution.




the nicest solution would be if it was displayed with the ZonePVxInfo plugin.
The alternative that it is in the chat and displayed under the compass is absolutely sufficient! 🙂 

The ZonePVxInfo Plugin, changes its color and tag with the Name of the zone. 

Maybe it will work if you "just" rename the Zone.




Do you have a link to the plugin you are referring to? I'm not familiar with it. Sounds like another that I've seen before but I do not recognize it by name.

It should already be displayed in chat though, there are options in the lang folder for this. Have you noticed them?


Posted (edited)

Hey, of course. This one here: https://umod.org/plugins/zone-pvx-info

Yea, i used your options to indicate the PVP Zone, but the messages are not visible once they are gone or if you re-enter the zone. Those ones iam using already. 🙂


If you see the picture i uploaded too, you will understand . https://ibb.co/qkWcsd2 

The PVE picture is on the airship, the PVP Indicator is on Launch in a PVP Zone (ZoneManager)

(If the uploaded Pictures here wont work: https://ibb.co/qkWcsd2 and https://ibb.co/KhJvXm2)



Edited by S1L3NT


Thank you for sharing. I am pretty sure that was the plugin that I had in mind when you mentioned it so I appreciate you helping me to get straight to it.

We will look into this soon and hope to have a response to you quickly. Thank you!



No Problem! 

If you need some more information, just text me! 🙂


And thanks for your work!



Thank you you've been helpful and informative.

I just do support but I'll extend the shout out to the developer!

They do the heavy work. 🍻



Hi, sorry for the long answer. Priority is given to tickets in Discord Mad Mappers. On the site, I check tickets about once a month or two. JBird always responds on the site. Thank him very much for that, otherwise I wouldn't have had time for anything at all. But your ticket got lost somewhere very far away and for a long time. Initially, I didn't quite understand what you want to add, and just thought that you didn't finish the dialogue with JBird. But a month later I saw that there were no new messages and decided to try to figure out what you asked me to do. I don't speak English very well, but JBird helped me figure out what you're asking for. In fact, all my events already have everything you need to implement this, and there are no APIs in the plugin that you showed. So this question remained open all this time, but it was asked to the wrong developer. This request should be sent to the developer of this plugin. I can only help by editing his plugin specifically for you, but I don't think this is a particularly good option and it's better to ask the developer of this plugin for help. If he needs help with this, I can always help him, he can write to me in Discord at any time

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