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Scientist not attacking BotReSpawn

Pending 1.1.1

Robert A Puccini

I can't seem to figure out why the scientist will not attack my bots and the reverse. Am I missing something? All of my bots are set to faction 1.


    "APC_Safe": false,
    "Turret_Safe": false,
    "Animal_Safe": false,
    "Pve_Safe": false

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  • Administrator

Which scientists do you mean - The vanilla ones at various monuments?
There is a setting, per profile, Target_Other_Npcs - That should make BotReSpawn guys attack vanilla scientists.

The faction setting only applies to botrespawn npcs, allowing you to set up inter-profile behaviour, making X profile attack Y or be allied with Z, etc.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Oh yeah I missed that setting when making the last post. My bots are attacking the vanilla scientists but they are not attacking back. The scientist aim at them and try and backup but never fire a shot at my bots. 

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  • Administrator

Ok, thanks for the info.
I'll have to look into that - It may just be how it is, as BotReSpawn doesn't take control over vanilla npcs or npcs from other plugins.
I'll have a play and see if there's anything that can be done on the BotReSpawn end.

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Witnessed BotSpawn attacking guards at Bandit camp. Bandits were standing around doing nothing. 

Target_Other_Npcs is set to "2"

I also noticed when my zombies created with BotReSpawn kill me it says I have died to a Scientist and shows a image of a scientist but also shows I have died to a bone knife which is a melee weapon held by my bots. Maybe the scientist are confused because they see the "zombies" as one of there own? Just a thought. 

Edited by Robert A Puccini
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  • Administrator

Target_Other_Npcs values, set via UI, are Ignore/Defend/Attack.
In the data file those are stored as 0,1,2, so your setting is 'Attack'; that sounds correct.

I don't think vanilla npcs attack other npcs - That's not something BotReSpawn controls right now.

I'll take a look at the deaths screen info but I think that's probably something else I can't change from BotReSpawn.
Technically all BotReSpawn npcs are classified as Scientist, which has some limitations.

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