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One-off kits

Pending 1.1.0

  • in Kits

I want to offer 1-off paid kits via tebex, but i want to allow the user to claim the kit manually when they want it, usually covered by simply giving them a permission for the purchase. Is there a way to structure being able to claim a kit once, but automatically remove the permission from the user after they claim the kit so they have to purchase the kit again if they want another one?

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14 hours ago, iMonkey said:

I want to offer 1-off paid kits via tebex, but i want to allow the user to claim the kit manually when they want it, usually covered by simply giving them a permission for the purchase. Is there a way to structure being able to claim a kit once, but automatically remove the permission from the user after they claim the kit so they have to purchase the kit again if they want another one?

Hi! I'll try to add this in the next update

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i was a bit confused on exactly how it would work but i just tested it with the kit i wanna sell individually and my reaction is now:

holy f that's cool! and perfect

Thanks Mevent! I do love your plugins

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errr actually ran into a bit of a problem. How do I set the kit so when they run out, they cant keep claiming it? lol i have to give them permission to the kit to claim it, and setting the amount to 0 just lets them claim infinitely. 

Like everything about the add and claiming works awesome lol I'm just struggling with the whole "sitting there looking pretty, unclaimable" part

Edited by iMonkey
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ok i removed permission, then gave myself 2 of this special kit. it doesn't show that i have 2 until i give myself permission to the kit. it doesn't let me claim it without permission.

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thanks mevent, functional fix!

If i understand correctly, we leave permission OFF the player and merely grant them the kit via kits.givekit - the one remaining issue is that without permission, the player can no longer see how many remain to be claimed.

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not necessarily a problem, just a bit cleaner. Its aight if you wanna skip it, you've been battin aces these past couple days anyway lol

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