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Feature Request - Category-specific multipliers

Closed 1.0.9 1.0.12

I want to 5x (stacks) my server but leave attire, tools and weapons out of the party at 1x - basically anything that has durability or capacity (water jugs n stuff). As it stands now, if i understand correctly, I would need to 5x each item under each category, leaving out just those categories. Very tedious. Please tell me there's an easier way I'm missing lol

Edited by iMonkey
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11 hours ago, iMonkey said:

I want to 5x my server but leave attire, tools and weapons out of the party at 1x. As it stands now, if i understand correctly, I would need to 5x each item under each category, leaving out just those categories. Very tedious. Please tell me there's an easier way I'm missing lol

There is actually no other way to do this at the moment. In the next update i will add category multipliers, this should make things a lot easier.

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Thanks, additionally can you add the ability to multiply the "pickup" items vanilla loot tables? As it stands, we have to populate say cloth, grubs, seeds, whatever for just hemp, being sure to multiply whatever the vanilla rates of all that are. 

Edited by iMonkey
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Now running 1.0.11, I still cant 5x say vanilla pumpkin loot and no option to load in the vanilla table to know where to start.


I do see the category stack size multiplier now tho thank you so much for that

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11 hours ago, iMonkey said:

Now running 1.0.11, I still cant 5x say vanilla pumpkin loot and no option to load in the vanilla table to know where to start.


I do see the category stack size multiplier now tho thank you so much for that

I'm really sorry that it takes so long for these features to get implemented, but I don't have much time at the moment. Expect the update with these features to come in about 1-2 weeks.

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Totally fine, please don't read this as me being impatiently up your butt lol was more giving you a heads up since you marked it as "fixed in 1.0.10"


Love you kiiiiiing

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