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Players can claim rewards twice

Closed 2.2.0


*My server has planned restarts twice a day and I am using SmoothRestarter plugin.
*Before restart server runs save command
I checked your plugin and I can see that you have OnServerSave() => SavePlayerData(); So don't know what could possibly cause it, but players have reported an issue that They can claim all the accumulated rewards right before server restart and after logging back on after the restart they can claim them again... 

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On 6/18/2022 at 5:03 AM, leniijs said:

*My server has planned restarts twice a day and I am using SmoothRestarter plugin.
*Before restart server runs save command
I checked your plugin and I can see that you have OnServerSave() => SavePlayerData(); So don't know what could possibly cause it, but players have reported an issue that They can claim all the accumulated rewards right before server restart and after logging back on after the restart they can claim them again... 

I will have to investigate further, I am not seeing that on any of my tests or have had any other admins report this as an issue., I suspect there is a plugin conflict somewhere causing that on your side. I run SmoothRestarter on all my servers as well and have twice daily restarts at noon and midnight.

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