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Pending 1.0.9

Swedish Chef

i saw a bunch of these in console when walking past server, so i just restarted, but same error continued after restart (cant remember if was every 30 secs or 60 secs.. about),  so i shutdown (was test server) and continued making tea for kids..

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] selector) [0x0000d] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0                                            0b/s in, 0b/s out
  at SpawnGroup.GetPrefab () [0x00000] in <b22be056aefe4130b566b781d43ef7f2>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+CustomGroup.Spawn (System.Int32 numToSpawn) [0x00053] in <dfdb6db04c8e40cfa641b5bd6032e557>:0
  at SpawnGroup.Spawn () [0x00014] in <b22be056aefe4130b566b781d43ef7f2>:0
  at LocalClock.Tick () [0x0002c] in <b22be056aefe4130b566b781d43ef7f2>:0
  at SpawnGroup.SpawnRepeating () [0x00066] in <b22be056aefe4130b566b781d43ef7f2>:0
  at SpawnHandler+<SpawnGroupTick>d__30.MoveNext () [0x00096] in <b22be056aefe4130b566b781d43ef7f2>:0

i had just setup some customProfiles (turTank.. ) on a custom map

what should my next step be to figure this out?



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  • Administrator

Is this a new server install?
Going by that error I'd guess it's server/oxide version mismatched or the install is damaged somehow.

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sorry.. i read the console..


ill sort that first


edit: i updated, it did a little one but no change. sorry i havent got the jist of updates yet.. i know theres forced, monthly, and optional, but im a bit fuzzy on it..

Edited by Swedish Chef
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  • Administrator

The "failed to get enough..." issue should be easy enough to sort.
If that's a profile that's getting random spawnpoints in the area, I.E. not using manually placed custom spawn points, it probably just means the profile isn't in a great location,
or the radius is a bit too small.

That can happen easily at, for example, the Dome, because the building itself gets in the way so, generally, increasing profile radius slightly is enough to work around that.

The other error shouldn't be something at my end, as far as I know.
Hopefully just making sure Rust server is up to date and that the oxide version installed is the correct one for that server version should sort it out.

Is it a new install, or was this working without issue before?

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new server really, its test server, i loaded custom map and just getting it ready for next wipe. i just copied the oxide folder and server cfg, usual story, except normally its with a proc map. 

when i updated it it did do a little update, + oxide,  but then had the same error after restarting server

ill have another look tomorrow, and see if i can resolve it, ill post here when hopefully got more info. 


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