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how to i get the atm skin like what is in the tumbnail

Closed 1.8.3

On 5/10/2022 at 2:10 PM, vnbnvbnvb said:

how to i get the atm skin like what is in the tumbnail

You can use RustEdit to add the ATM pictured in the Thumbnail, as well as a button. I personally use a plugin called Monument Addons (free) to spawn the ATM at certain monuments. The cool thing is the ATM will remain there after a Server restart and even wipe. The only thing I need to do after a wipe is spawn in the card readers on the ATM's. Here is the command to spawn an 'ATM' using the Monument Addons plugin;

/maspawn excavatorsignalcomputer.prefab

Once it's in place (may need to play around with it to get it exactly where you want it), you can then spawn in the Card Reader /spawncardreader then place the Reader on the ATM /setplace

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