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Economics Not Updating

Closed 2.2.0 2.2.0


As the title says the Economics registers correctly when the plug-in loads but it never updates the $ balance.  ServerRewards is working just fine.

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7 hours ago, Iron said:

As the title says the Economics registers correctly when the plug-in loads but it never updates the $ balance.  ServerRewards is working just fine.

Thanks for the feedback. During the day, I will update the plugin and notify you!


Edited by Budapeshter
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9 hours ago, Iron said:

As the title says the Economics registers correctly when the plug-in loads but it never updates the $ balance.  ServerRewards is working just fine.

I checked the plugin. Oddly enough, but my economy is displayed perfectly.
Try to set the player's balance with the setbalance command <player name or id | *> <amount>
If the economy is working, then the balance should change instantly

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I see from the video you are using $ only.  Can you now try this using both ServerRewards and $ and see if you get the same result. My ServerRewards (RP) updates as per the timer setting fine, just not the $.


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1 hour ago, Iron said:

I see from the video you are using $ only.  Can you now try this using both ServerRewards and $ and see if you get the same result. My ServerRewards (RP) updates as per the timer setting fine, just not the $.


Everything works. Write plugins that use Economics and Server Rewards

Rust 2022.05.06 -

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The $ gets updated from the Shop plugin (Mevent) using a command.

deposit %steamid% 40000

ServerRewards from BotReSpawn and Shop directly. 

The balance is correct and updating the Economics plugin ok but is just not displaying on the GUI. The $ are used to buy from the Skills plugin and it is showing correctly at all times within that Plugin.

Is there some kind of a timer, similar to ServerRewards that maybe I have to set up?

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13 minutes ago, Iron said:

The $ gets updated from the Shop plugin (Mevent) using a command.

deposit %steamid% 40000

ServerRewards from BotReSpawn and Shop directly. 

The balance is correct and updating the Economics plugin ok but is just not displaying on the GUI. The $ are used to buy from the Skills plugin and it is showing correctly at all times within that Plugin.

Is there some kind of a timer, similar to ServerRewards that maybe I have to set up?

No, there are no timers on the economy, the balance updates via the plugin API. I checked the /deposit command, the balance immediately changed. It's about one of the plugins.
I will now check the plugins that I have

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On 5/6/2022 at 5:48 PM, Iron said:


Hello. I never got any feedback. Add me to the discord yourself, so I can't add you.https://discord.gg/UdNrfcc

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