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Closed 1.0.0

Alice D


My problem is the doors in hotel shown up in rust edit, but on the server i have no doors, same problem in town prefabs.

do i miss something?


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Hey, i can't manage to reproduce your problem.  Do you have any plugins installed on your server or are you resizing the prefabs? Try and run a fresh install of the server with no plugins see if the problem comes from there. Remember to delete the map files when doing a fresh wipe.

Let me know if that helps.

Fell free to contact me on discord aswell.

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even on fresh server i get these msg :  RuntimeNavMeshBuilder: Source mesh AnsweringMachine_COL is skipped because it does not allow read access

maybe it helps , goole doesnt say much 😕

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I'll close this message since the prefabs are working fine, the problem seems to be on your end. Contact me and i'll try to help you out.

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