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two minor problems (queue & rust.io)

Closed 2.0.7 2.0.8


The first problem:

With the plugin, you can no longer skip the server queue as an admin, because you are no longer considered as an admin.


The second problem (with the same background):

The rust.io map also no longer recognizes you as a server admin (only after admin toggle and refreshing the page), for example to display the players on the map.


That was one of the reasons for the question about the Auth toggle at Server Join/Leave, but then I forgot it. But the other problems were solved so well that I hadn't thought about these problems anymore. I hope you can find a solution for this as good as you did for the other problems.

Even if there is no quick fix for this, this plugin is still one of the best in its class 👍


Feel free, to contact me over Discord (or let me contact you again about this)


Best regards


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Hello @Geini

I understand your whats your problem is and we might be able to work out a solution on discord 🙂
I have sent you a reply on discord so shouldn't we take it from there

Best Regards

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