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Area that causes major fps drops

Closed 1.1.3 1.1.5


The map is great, but it anyone gets near the area of U20 they get a frame rate drop from 80ish to 1. We had to place a zone to keep players out. That is the only area on the map this happens. If players look away from the area, frames go back to normal.


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i finally was able to get to spot, it looks like a dumping spot for things. I tried to remove all and got a EAC Temporary Server Ban (expires in 10 minutes)

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23 minutes ago, Perfectangel01 said:

They are not.

It's just inexplicable why things spawn underground. I also have the map running on my server and I don't find any fps problem there.


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Last night I removed what looked like half walls. I restarted server a bit ago went to spot, removed some boxes etc. There is also some red gas can down there I can't remove, I am the only person on my server who has the ability to go down there, and I didn't place random things under the map.

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1 minute ago, onehitterquitter said:

image.png.90ea9cc57bbe993b3feb3533d83f4e4d.png  no its still there


It's still there for me also. If I go under that mountain I get 1 frame at 1000.00 ms.

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So far my players love this map, but they don't like the lower frame rates in some areas, and the death zone of that one area on the map.

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sorry people it's really hard to fix the place. I've now made another version in which I've made a raised floor and rocks exactly at the point. I hope that makes it go away. I'll be able to test it myself this evening. I hope it's good now. (Version 1.1.5)

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