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dead after teleport

Closed 1.0.6


Hey, I am using NTeleporation plugin on my server and if player has jetpack and teleport to his home, it cause death and items lost.

Do you have an idea what to do? Thanks a lot 😄

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:45 PM, romanulrich said:

Hey, I am using NTeleporation plugin on my server and if player has jetpack and teleport to his home, it cause death and items lost.

Do you have an idea what to do? Thanks a lot 😄

I'll see what I can do.

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:45 PM, romanulrich said:

Hey, I am using NTeleporation plugin on my server and if player has jetpack and teleport to his home, it cause death and items lost.

Do you have an idea what to do? Thanks a lot 😄

I can't do anything. Teleportation doesn't have the necessary hooks

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