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Bot aggression to other profiles

No Response 1.0.6


I remember this being a feature in the free version. Will it be returning in this one? I can't find the settings in any of the configuration files.

Edited by zaconil
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  • Administrator


Yes, this idea has been reintroduced in upcoming V1.0.7.

In BotSpawn you just had "Attacks_Other_Profiles", which was quite limited.
People who wanted that option true had to carefully place certain profiles that they did not want fighting with each other.

In the next update of BotReSpawn, each profile will have a single number for 'Faction'. 0 is default.
0 faction npcs won't attack, or be attacked by any other profiles.

All the rest, with faction greater than zero, will ignore each other or fight each other, depending on whether their faction numbers are the same or different.

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