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It does not work

Closed 1.0.1 1.0.1

Hi im billa
Hi im billa


Hi there,
I am currently testing your plugin. Unfortunately it doesn't work as it should. Players don't get notifications in chat and I don't get items when I go into admin mode either. Why is this and how can I fix it?


  "Permissions Settings": {
    "Permission required to toggle admin mode": "use"
  "Command Settings": {
    "Require reason to toggle Admin Mode": false
  "Logging Settings": {
    "Discord Settings": {
      "Enable Discord Webhook": false,
      "Discord Webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
      "Discord Embed Color": 3315400
    "File Settings": {
      "Enable File Logging": true
  "Interface Settings": {
    "Toggle Button": {
      "Enable button": true,
      "Active Color": "0.09 0.88 0.09 0.5",
      "Inactive Color": "0.88 0.09 0.09 0.5",
      "Active Text": "Activated",
      "Inactive Text": "Disabled"
    "Panel Settings": {
      "Enable DisplayPanel": true,
      "Panel Text": "A D M I N   M O D E      A C T I V A T E D",
      "Panel Text Color": "0.88 0.09 0.09 1",
      "Panel Dock (Bottom, Top)": "Bottom",
      "Pulse Duration (-1 to disable)": -1
  "Notification Settings": {
    "Chat Notification Settings": {
      "Enable Chat Notification": true,
      "Custom Chat Notification Icon (MUST BE STEAMID64) (-1 to disable)": -1,
      "On Activate Chat Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#19e119>Activated</color></size>",
      "On Deactivate Chat Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#e11919>Disabled</color></size>"
    "Popup Notification Settings": {
      "Enable Popup Notification": false,
      "On Activate Popup Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#19e119>Activated</color></size>",
      "On Deactivate Popup Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#e11919>Disabled</color></size>"
  "Player Settings": {
    "Teleport the player back to last known location upon exiting admin mode": true,
    "Separate Inventorys for player & admin mode": true
  "Outfit Settings": {
    "Enable Custom Outfit": true,
    "Custom Outfit (Shortname, SkinID)": {
      "hoodie": 1234567890,
      "pants": 1234567890,
      "shoes.boots": 1234567890
  "Third-party Plugin Settings": {
    "Upon activation of Admin Mode load third-party Plugins": {
      "Enable Autoload of Plugin List": false,
      "Enable Autoload of All Plugins in List": true,
      "Plugin List": {
        "Autoload Admin Radar (Umod)": false,
        "Autoload Godmode (Umod)": false,
        "Autoload Vanish (Umod)": false
    "Block third-party Plugins Commands when Admin Mode is inactive": {
      "Enable blocking of Plugin List": true,
      "Enable blocking of All Plugins in List": true,
      "Plugin List": {
        "Block Admin Radar (Umod)": false,
        "Block Freeze (Umod)": false,
        "Block Godmode (Umod)": false,
        "Block Inventory Viewer (Umod)": false,
        "Block Player Administration (Umod)": false,
        "Block Spectate (Umod)": false,
        "Block Vanish (Umod)": false


Hi im billa


I have now restarted the server. Admin Toggle works correctly but unfortunately all other functions do not.


Posted (edited)

Hello, Hi im billa

Thats unfortunate to hear.
Could you specify the functions there isn't working?

Or are we talking everything this includes

Permissions Settings

Command Settings

Logging Settings

Interface Settings

Notification Settings

Player Settings

Outfit Settings

Third-party Plugin Settings

I will look into the issues you said above (Notification Settings,Player Settings Inventory)

Just to clarify you did give the permission "admintoggle.use" to the group/user right?

Edited by Xray


Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1

Hi im billa


So. The chat notification does not work. The outfit function does not work.
I can't tell you what else doesn't work, but as far as I can tell, only /admin works.

If it helps you send me a friend request on Discord and I can stream my screen to you.
Hi im billa#0001


Posted (edited)

invite Send

Edited by Xray


Changed Status from Work in Progress to Not a Bug



Hello, Hi im billa

I am glad we solved your issue let me know if you have any other requests by making a new ticket 

Best Regards

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Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed



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