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Not sure if plugin is installed correctly. Need help

No Response 1.0.5

Nick Budzilo
Nick Budzilo


I installed the file into the plugins folder under oxide in my server.  When I then load into the game to open the config nothing happens.  In console and in my rcon I have tried "botrespawn.allowed" "/botrespawn" even I tried "bot.count" Nothing seems to be working properly.  Just looking for some assistance with this as I have recently just purchased this from you 🙂 thank you in advance!

  • Administrator


Are you new to running servers?

When you installed the plugin, did you see confirmation that it loaded in your console?


Anyone who is admin (auth level 2) or has permission can use the UI to set things up, so if the "/botrespawn" command didn't do anything then either
A: The plugin isn't installed and loaded successfully or
B: You aren't admin, or don't have permission.


bot.count and bots.count are server commands which would need to be run from rcon or the server window.
Both would be solid indicators that the plugin is loaded and working.

Let me know a bit more and I'm sure we'll get you up and running.

Nick Budzilo


Thank you for the quick reply!  I am not new to running servers(Valheim-in which I have modded through same provider which is Nitrado, Ark, 7 days to die).  I'm more on the beginner end though.  I looked at the event log to see if botrespawn tried to load, seems like there is no account of it loading.  The file directory where the file is loaded(ftp server access) is as follows: rust/oxide/plugins.  I did not create a new sub folder in the plugin directory as I was unsure that would have mattered at all.  I gave myself admin privilege's through the RustAdmin rcon software.  I have also tried the commands through RustAdmin as well with no luck.  Just want to make sure as well that this is just a server-side plugin or both client/server-side.  Thanks again for the quick reply.  Hope we can get to the bottom of this! 🙂  

  • Administrator


Do you have other plugins successfully loaded on the server?

If you're certain that the latest copy of BotReSpawn.cs is in your server's /oxide/plugins folder, jump on rcon and do 

oxide.reload BotReSpawn

You should see confirmation of unload/reload.

If you don't see that then either oxide isn't successfully installed, or BotReSpawn.cs isn't in the plugins folder, or has been renamed by mistake or something.

Nick Budzilo


Just got around to attempting this.  Tried oxide.reload BotReSpawn.  In the console it showed it unload/reload.  Id made sure that I have admin access as I did the ownerid command where I needed to get my Steam64id.  Anytime I try and setup the plugin there is not any type of UI that loads up for any config.  Ive tried all the commands that you have posted on your description of the plugin.  Ive reinstalled the server a couple times,  stopped/restarted a bunch.  I have even made sure that it is a fresh install of oxide.  Still at a standstill after 5-6 hours earlier and 1-2 just now trying to get it to somehow work.  For now I am going to concede and try again tomorrow.  Maybe you will have some more insight for me tomorrow.  Thanks again as always with the rapid response.

  • Administrator


Sorry you're having trouble.
Unfortunately if you're admin or have the perm it really should be as simple as making sure it's loaded then just typing in `/botrespawn` in game.

Are you in Codefling discord or my discord?
If not, jump in - Codefling discord link is in the footer of this site.
We'll get you up and running.



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