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Restrict bots from strafe running?

No Response 1.0.5

Alexander Koroschetz

Hello there,

I just saw that bots strafe run way too fast like no legit player could. Is there any way of preventing them from running sideways that fast? I got the running speed booster set to 10, so they got vanilla run speed forward but they strafe way too fast.


Thank you!

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  • Administrator

Hi Alexander,
Thanks for pointing that out. I thought  it should all be vanilla with the booster at 10 but clearly that's not the case.
I'll take a look and see if I can control this separately.

Thanks again!

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  • Administrator

None yet, I'm afraid, but it is noted down and will get looked at.
I've got a bit of a list of tweaks and fixes that I'm working through but will get a look at this soon.
Had some reports of issues with UI navigation and settings not holding in rare cases, so I really wanted to get those ironed out first.



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Definitely will. I'm keeping screenshots of all requests, and notes at the top of the plugin .cs, so I don't lose track of anything.
Trying to...anyway. 😉

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Do you maybe know how fast a normal player can strafe compared to the runningspeed booster? Want to set bots down so they can only strafe as fast as a player could until its fixed.


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I haven't got to testing this yet but I looked into the values.
Basically the npcs have 4 speeds and I tell them to use speed 2 (slow) for walking and speed 4 (fast) for running.

The Running_Speed_Booster only applies to their fast movement.
The default for that is 1 - The next slowest speed I could have used is 0.5.

Your value in your profile is a 10X of that (10 is default), so I imagine setting to 5 should be more like what you're expecting?

I don't think strafe should be too fast/slow relative to forward/back speed - Seems like they should all be governed by the same setting.

In short, please try '5' as your Running_Speed_Booster.
If that's more like it, I'll make that the default and update the plugin notes to reflect that.

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Perfect, thank you - I will do that right now and tell you afterwards 🙂



5 seems to be perfect for now, thanks 🙂


Edited by Alexander Koroschetz
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By config, I mean the custom profile file. 

I've double checked and you're correct about the default profiles. They accept Running_Speed_Boost as 5. But the custom profiles do not. If you put 5 in there, it'll change to 10 on bot reload.

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  • Administrator

The value name is Running_Speed_Booster now, as of V1.0.3.
The type was changed from decimal to whole number, so I changed the name to avoid issues.

Please make sure you're on V1.0.5 and maybe set the value for one profile using UI, just so you can be certain the name and formatting are correct?


@Alexander Koroschetz- Thank you for coming back to update. Glad 5 is working well. 🙂

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Steen, I think that was exactly it. I had it set as Running_Speed_Boost. Not sure why it kept it at 5 for the default but not the custom, but I guess that doesn't matter now 🙂 Appreciate that you spotted that!

Edited by Sasquire
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  • Administrator

Yeah, I'd have expected the plugin to remove `Running_Speed_Boost` from both files, if it existed but, as you say, no matter now.
Glad it's up and running properly.
Does 5 seem better to you too?

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