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bots will not stop chasing player

Pending 1.3.6

SeleCod Mafia
SeleCod Mafia


i have been trying to set up that if the player leaves the monument or move a certain distance form the monument  the bots will stop going after the player i dont want the bots going to far away from the monument they are to stay close to it 

currently the bots will chases player a cross the whole map

i have tired different options  for the last 3 and half hours and got no success  i tired change roam range aggro range deaggro memory duration and others


can i get a bit of help on how to set that up.


kind regards

  • Administrator


You're looking at all the right options. It's just a matter of balancing them to suit.

Roam Range only matters when the npc is not aggressive.
It governs how far the npc can stray from its spawn point before turning around when it's in passive behaviour.

Once the npc is aggressive towards a player Roam Range is temporarily ignored.

Deaggro Range and Memory Duration are the two options governing when an npc will give up and return to being passive,
and set course back towards its spawn point area.

Say you have Deaggro at 40 and Memory Duration at 10,
that would mean the player being attacked must get beyond 40 distance from the npc and stay there for at least 10 seconds
before the npc will give up.

If the npc was in pursuit of this player and managed to reduce the distance to 39, even briefly, that 10 second Memory Duration gets reset.



If you're having issues with it it might be better to lean towards having Memory Duration too short rather than too long,
keeping in mind that any time the npc is hurt by the player it will resume being aggressive again.

Another option that might be useful is Running_Speed_Booster.
The default is 10. You could turn that down slightly so the npcs can't run quite as fast as players?



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