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After the last update, players lose all experience when they die.

Closed 1.6.0



After the last update, players lose all experience when they die. the config shows a 9% loss of experience at death. it started after I turned off the debt function during the experiment (well, either no one noticed or did not die before).




Need to see the xp loss settings in your config.



there are 9% for death and 0% for suicide. I can throw off the config
rolled back the plugin to the previous version-the problem is gone



55 minutes ago, DRALDEN said:

there are 9% for death and 0% for suicide. I can throw off the config
rolled back the plugin to the previous version-the problem is gone

I just need these settings

    "XP Loss settings": {
      "Allow players to lose xp when they die?": true,
      "Allow players to go into xp debt if they lose more xp than their level would allow?": true,
      "Use the players xp (not the level xp) to calculate loss": false,
      "Death penalty grace period - players won't lose xp if they die again within the specified time [seconds]": 0.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when killed in PVP": 20.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when killed in PVE": 20.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when they suicide": 0.0,
      "Prevent xp loss when a player is offline?": true,
      "Permission based modifiers [1.0 = no reduced amount]": {
        "vip": 0.5




  "XP settings": {
    "XP Loss settings": {
      "Allow players to lose xp when they die?": true,
      "Allow players to go into xp debt if they lose more xp than their level would allow?": false,
      "Use the players xp (not the level xp) to calculate loss": true,
      "Death penalty grace period - players won't lose xp if they die again within the specified time [seconds]": 0.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when killed in PVP": 9.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when killed in PVE": 9.0,
      "Percentage of xp into their current level that players lose when they suicide": 0.0,
      "Prevent xp loss when a player is offline?": true,
      "Permission based modifiers [1.0 = no reduced amount]": {
        "vip": 0.9,
        "prem": 0.8,
        "elite": 0.6
    "Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]": {
      "vip": 1.2,
      "prem": 1.5,
      "elite": 2.0



This setting is the issue:   "Use the players xp (not the level xp) to calculate loss": true,



The player has 300,000 xp.

The xp threshold for the players current level was 275,000 xp.

The next level up is at 325,000 xp.

The UI shows that the player requires 25,000 xp.

This means that the player is 50% through their current level.



If the above config setting is set to true and the player dies, the plugin will calculate the xp loss based on the players TOTAL xp (in this case 300,000xp). If it was set to 20%, then they would be losing 60,000 xp. Since Skill Tree does not allow you to lose levels, It will either: put their xp back to the start of the level (275,000 xp), or put them back to the start of the level, and add the rest as xp debt (35,000 xp debt).

If the above config setting is set to false and the player dies, it will calculate the loss based on the current level threshold. In this case it would be 50,000 xp (325,000 - 275,000). This means that the player would lose 10,000 xp, putting them back to 290.000 xp.




What if the player lost all the experience up to 1* from any amount of experience?



Sorry, the translator is evil. For example, a player lacks 2,000 experience points (out of 300,000) before the start of the level, he dies and he gets 1 experience point out of 300,000. And only in the new version of the plugin



Just set this to false: "Use the players xp (not the level xp) to calculate loss"



I get it, but then the question is why did it work differently before the update?



how do I make the player lose experience in % of the current lvl experience?



I figured it out, and you recommended it) I'm sorry, I haven't slept yet after the update (my head is not boiling. Everything is working



Bro, I overslept, but still the same question. before updating the plugin, the loss of experience worked fine. if this setting is enabled (it was enabled before), it worked so that it took you 9% of your current experience. now, with the setting turned on, you get a full experience of up to 1. if you turn this setting off, then at levels 40+ players don't have any point in pumping lvl at all, because it takes off insane numbers.



withdrawal does not come from accumulated experience, but from the total to the next lvl. this mechanic definitely didn't work that way-I just roll the plugin back and it becomes normal.



if you take from the accumulated experience, then players out of 100 experience (with a 10% setting) should have 10 experience removed-and not



how do I set it up to take away experience in% of how much experience the player has at the moment? not from his general experience



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