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Fixed 1.1.8 1.2.001


Posted (edited)

I have 13 online players; however the /sleepers command shows 4 and the /players shows 1

I am totally confused... here is my config:

  "Hide Admins": false,
  "Show Online Player Count": true,
  "Show Sleeper Count": true,
  "Show Player Avatars (requires ImageLibrary and Store player avatars = true)": false,
  "Show KillRecords Icon (Requires Kill Records Plugin)": false,
  "Show XPerience Icon (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false,
  "Show XPerience Rank Sig (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false,
  "Show XPerience Level (Requires XPerience Plugin)": false,
  "Show TPR Icon (Requires NTeleportation Plugin and tpr permission)": true,
  "Show Discord Report Icon (Requires DiscordReport Plugin)": false,
  "UI Location (distance from left 0 - 0.80)": 0.05,
  "UI Location (distance from bottom 0.45 - 1.0)": 0.55,
  "Chat Command (Online Players)": "players",
  "Chat Command (Sleepers)": "sleepers",
  "Show Online HUD": true,
  "Online HUD Chat Command": "onlinehud",
  "HUD Location From Left": 0.01,
  "HUD Location From Top": 0.96,
  "HUD Width": 0.15,
  "HUD Height": 0.3,
  "Max Players On HUD": 10,
  "HUD Transparency 0.0 - 1.0": 0.25,
  "HUD Refresh Rate (seconds)": 30.0,
  "HUD Font Size": 10

Edited by NavyChief

Posted (edited)

Today I looked and I have 12 total yet sleepers shows 1 and players shows 2 (which is correct)... the players number seems to be accurate; it is the sleepers that is way off.

Edited by NavyChief


1 hour ago, NavyChief said:

Today I looked and I have 12 total yet sleepers shows 1 and players shows 2 (which is correct)... the players number seems to be accurate; it is the sleepers that is way off.

What are you using to compare the sleeper numbers? This plugin goes by the actual sleeper list when it is loaded but then adds and removes players as they connect and disconnect. If sleepers are killed they are not removed from this list as a sleeper until they connect back to the server. If a player losses connection or crashes the disconnect hook may never get called and they won't get added to the sleeper list.

There are some cases that can effect the list but it usually will correct itself if that happens after a short while when checks are done.


Posted (edited)

I am not looking for sleepers; I have InfoPanel and it shows online : total so if 2 are online and the total is 15 then it stands to reason there are 13 sleepers....  interestingly today I get no sleepers and there should be about 11 (2/13)..... you read it above the sleepers are blank NONE even though I have 11; I can also see them in the MyMap mod on the map I see 11 players sleeping.


Edited by NavyChief


Changed Status from Pending to Fixed

Changed Fixed In to Next Version



After looking at the file I see there is no need to create a list the way it is. I will have an update shortly that will now use the BasePlayer active player and sleeper list directly.



Quick Question though...

Does the online or sleepers display paginate OR is the limit of 10 just that only 10?

 "Max Players On HUD": 10,



4 hours ago, NavyChief said:

Quick Question though...

Does the online or sleepers display paginate OR is the limit of 10 just that only 10?

 "Max Players On HUD": 10,

The HUD only shows the amount you set there. The UI list will show pages but the HUD is limited


Posted (edited)

My BAD I did not mean the HUD but the display that comes up when you type /sleepers.....

My display shows 10 sleepers BUT I have 15 and no pagination buttons


Sent image in Private Message


Edited by NavyChief


Changed Fixed In from 1.2.000 to 1.2.001



3 hours ago, NavyChief said:

My BAD I did not mean the HUD but the display that comes up when you type /sleepers.....

My display shows 10 sleepers BUT I have 15 and no pagination buttons


Sent image in Private Message


I see I missed the page buttons on the last update, just released an update that should fix this.


Posted (edited)


Edited by NavyChief


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