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Heavy Scientists and Excavator scientists fail to have loot customized

Pending 1.1.5


When Heavy Scientists and Excavator Scientists have custom loot tables, they still spawn with default loot. Could be other profiles too, but this is what I've noticed thus far.

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I still need to go through CustomLoot and NPCKits to see what's what, after the Thursday update.
Normally I'd be much quicker but with the release of BotReSpawn I have a lot of support requests that I don't want to leave hanging.
Things are settling and I anticipate getting a good look at NPCKits and CustomLoot very soon.


Just on the offchance that you mean they are getting custom loot *and* regular vanilla loot, there is an option per CustomLoot profile to 'ClearContainerFirst' which would solve the problem.
If they're not getting CustomLoot at all then that's just something I need to fix.

Thank you for letting me know!

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4 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:


I still need to go through CustomLoot and NPCKits to see what's what, after the Thursday update.
Normally I'd be much quicker but with the release of BotReSpawn I have a lot of support requests that I don't want to leave hanging.
Things are settling and I anticipate getting a good look at NPCKits and CustomLoot very soon.


Just on the offchance that you mean they are getting custom loot *and* regular vanilla loot, there is an option per CustomLoot profile to 'ClearContainerFirst' which would solve the problem.
If they're not getting CustomLoot at all then that's just something I need to fix.

Thank you for letting me know!

They are only getting default loot, without populating the container with CustomLoot. Take your time with BotReSpawn, just reporting bugs as I find em.

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