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Hello, I have put this on our server and it doesn't work right or maybe I'm not understanding what all this plugin does. I'm under the impression that I can place a sleeping bag anywhere on the map so anyone can click on it to spawn into....  We make arena and put 4 bags, one in each corner for each player. Was hoping to use this to just put this one bag in each corner...  I can't seem to place any bag anywhere. Also there is no administrative permissions or just a use permissions. Hope to hear from you. 



It automatically detects if you are a admin, delete your current config and try fresh just to make sure.

For custom locations that are not monuments.
Get to the location you want a sleeping bag and use for example:

/setbag ArenaSpawn1

Then use (optional - for multiple spawn location per sleeping bag)
/setspawn ArenaSpawn1
(if you want to set multiple spawn points for when a player with permission respawns using that sleeping bag. You can repeat /setspawn ArenaSpawn1 at different locations to set multiple respawn points per bag.)

In config it will create that bag and you can change the ".use" permission and other options and reload make sure to grant the player or group the permission for each sleeping bag if the permission is new or different from others.

Then for another team (if its not a free for all arena)
/setbag ArenaSpawn2
/setspawn ArenaSpawn2
with different permissions and set options and make sure to create a group for each team and grant the sleepingbag permissions to the right groups.

For monument locations like oilrig or airfield, outpost etc just use 
/setbag and /setspawn 
(For monument locations don't include a name after the command /setbag and /setspawn)

I been working on a update for this plugin which will release soon but its fully functional as I currently use it on active servers and just made sure.
I'll update the details and description to provide better information real soon.
If you need any help shoot me a message on here or on discord RIPJAWBONES#0001
Would love to get this setup for you properly if you can't.



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