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Backpack Trading

Closed 1.2.2 1.3.0



So I am not sure how it took 3 weeks for this to come up, but if a player gives another player a backpack they cannot pick it up/loot it because it is assigned to the original player. I understand what is happening, but is there anything that can be done about this? Like if a player drops their backpack it unassigns it? Or perhaps a command for unprotecting a backpack manually or something? Not sure how to solve, but kinda sucks not to be able to trade or give a backpack to someone...



Apparently you cannot pick up diving tanks either...



Hmm, so you're saying the "owner" assigned to a backpack is the person who crafts it and not just the person who was wearing it? If so, yeah I'm gonna have to look into what I can do about that.



3 minutes ago, Mr01sam said:

Hmm, so you're saying the "owner" assigned to a backpack is the person who crafts it and not just the person who was wearing it? If so, yeah I'm gonna have to look into what I can do about that.

Well, you cannot craft large backpacks or diving tanks, so it isn't crafting. It seems that these get assigned to the person that loots them and then are locked to them. If they drop the empty backpack or the diving tank on the ground, other players get a "you cannot loot this item" error message.

I know it is tricky, because you don't want large backpacks to be lootable when they are on the player or when they are dropped due to death, but you do want them to be lootable and able to be picked up when the player throws them on the ground voluntarily. Just not sure if that is possible to distinguish.



Yeah I'll have to see if I can distinguish that - good catch btw

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I'm trying to understand this a bit more - so this is only a problem when trading between two modes that other cannot share loot right? Like two PVP players can drop backpacks and share items between them with no issues (because they both are allowed to loot stuff from other players). But this is a problem when two PVE players try and trade right?

If that's the case, then I would say this is expected behavior - the PVE players generally cannot take things that belong to other players unless that other player is on the same team as them. If they're on the same team, then it should allow them to trade backpacks. That's at least how it is supposed to work, if not - then its a bug.


Posted (edited)

So it is a little more complicated than that. 

What if a PVE player is selling another PVE or PVP player a backpack, diving tank, or parachute? They cannot do so because the receiving player won't be able to pick it up.

We also have cases where players trade backpacks. For example, you buy a bunch of stone from me, so I drop my backpack full of stone and you drop your backpack (either empty or with scrap) and we trade them.

To answer your question, however, I did do a little further testing. it does appear to affect PVE to PVE and PVE to PVP players only. If both players are PVP, then they can pickup/loot diving tanks and backpacks. Oddly enough, however, once dropped neither player (not the original owner nor the other player) could pick up the parachute, lol. So not sure why that one is broken.

Is it also shared between clan members or just team members? It would be nice if clan sharing was also an option (they are not mutually exclusive on my server).

Edited by dustyhansen


Ah okay, then this makes sense for how it currently works. It currently does not know a difference between a backpack that was willingly dropped and one that was dropped due to death. In the case of death - typically people don't want other players to be able to loot PVE players, which is why PVP -> PVE and PVE -> PVE interactions wont let you loot the backpack. For the time being, if you want backpacks to be lootable, you would have to enable players to be able to loot PVE players.

In the next update I'm going to be expanding the granularity of what is protected/unprotected, perhaps I can include a section for backpacks so you can choose how you want backpacks to be handled specifically. Also, I'm going to be including fixes for a lot of your bug reports in the next update too, which is a big update so that's the reason why its taking some time (just so you know!).

As for the parachute, I'm not sure what's going on there - is it possibly within a building zone that belongs to someone else?

As for clans support, currently it just supports team members, but I'm considering support for clans as well.

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5 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

It currently does not know a difference between a backpack that was willingly dropped and one that was dropped due to death

That is what I was afraid of, so this is not possible or are you saying that it is just currently not checking this?

5 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

perhaps I can include a section for backpacks so you can choose how you want backpacks to be handled specifically.

I don't know if this is necessary. I definitely don't want backpacks to be looted due to death, so I wouldn't want to enable this feature and risk that. So, if you added it I probably wouldn't use it and can't really think of another good reason to have it. Can you exclude diving tanks and parachutes since they are wearables, but not lootable perhaps?

5 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

Also, I'm going to be including fixes for a lot of your bug reports in the next update too, which is a big update so that's the reason why its taking some time (just so you know!).

Awesome! Thanks for the update!

5 hours ago, Mr01sam said:

I'm considering support for clans as well.

Thanks, this would be a nice addition. It hasn't come up yet, but there are times where clan members are not on the same team. Perhaps it could be a config option to share loot with teams or clans separately. 

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@Mr01sam here is a video showing a PVE player dropping a diving tank, parachute and backpack on the ground and another PVE player not be able to pick up any of them, with the chat showing War Mode as the reason why. I tried it both with and without the TC in the background, just to rule that out as interfering. Both results the same.

Ideally it would be nice if you could exclude parachutes and diving tanks from War Mode as they are not lootable containers.

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Is this the current version of WarMode (1.2.2) or the beta version I sent you (1.3.0)? Because those messages look like the 1.2 version?



14 minutes ago, Mr01sam said:

Is this the current version of WarMode (1.2.2) or the beta version I sent you (1.3.0)? Because those messages look like the 1.2 version?

1.2.2 I assumed you didn't change parachutes/diving tanks so it didn't matter, but I can retest with 1.3.0 if needed.



Yeah, I actually had to rewrite all the logic in 1.3.0, so theres a chance it might work a little different - let me know what you find!

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On 11/21/2024 at 7:44 PM, Mr01sam said:

Yeah, I actually had to rewrite all the logic in 1.3.0, so theres a chance it might work a little different - let me know what you find!

Tested it on 1.3.0 and same result. No TC and couldn't pickup all 3.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0

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