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CustomLoot not working

Pending 2.1.0


Hey guys,


i already use the CustomLoot plugin for other thing and for some reason the loot table dont change to what i set it.



 "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "botconclave",

this profile is located at \oxide\data\CustomLoot

i already tried with the extension .json and still not changing.


any ideas?

Thanks !

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  • Administrator

You have to specify a profile name from CustomLoot.json, not a loot table name.

If the name you specify doesn't exist BotSpawn/CustomLoot will create it in CustomLoot.json under the 'API' heading,
so you could go and find that new entry and set the loot table name there to botconclave.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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1 minute ago, Steenamaroo said:

You have to specify a profile name from CustomLoot.json, not a loot table name.

So i add this 'botconclave' to new type of Corpse in CustomLoot.json?

Edited by ffriozi
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1 hour ago, Steenamaroo said:

You have to specify a profile name from CustomLoot.json, not a loot table name.

If the name you specify doesn't exist BotSpawn/CustomLoot will create it in CustomLoot.json under the 'API' heading,
so you could go and find that new entry and set the loot table name there to botconclave.

indeed i already have the file botconclave.json (already configured) the ploblem is that the BotSpawn plugin its not using the file even after i set up 




 "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "botconclave",  (check below)

 "DataProfiles": {
    "teste": {
      "AutoSpawn": true,
      "Murderer": false,
      "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 4,
      "BotHealth": 100,
      "Corpse_Duration": 60,
      "Kit": [
      "BotNamePrefix": "",
      "BotNames": [
      "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 40,
      "Bot_Damage_Percent": 40,
      "Disable_Radio": true,
      "Roam_Range": 40,
      "Peace_Keeper": true,
      "Attacks_Other_Profiles": false,
      "Peace_Keeper_Cool_Down": 5,
      "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 60,
      "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
      "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
      "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
      "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
      "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
      "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 0,
      "Suicide_Timer": 300,
      "Chute": false,
      "Aggro_Range": 30,
      "DeAggro_Range": 40,
      "Announce_Spawn": false,
      "Announcement_Text": "",
      "Running_Speed_Boost": 0.0,
      "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
      "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "botconclave",
      "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 600,
      "AlwaysUseLights": false,
      "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
      "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
      "Stationary": false,
      "Radius": 100,
      "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 1,
      "UseCustomSpawns": true,
      "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false,
      "Respawn_Timer": 2,
      "Location": {
        "x": -1738.249,
        "y": 2.0864985,
        "z": -1252.94214
      "Parent_Monument": ""
  "MigrationDataDoNotEdit": {
    "teste": {
      "ParentMonument": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "Offset": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0


under default-CustomProfiles.json located at oxide\data\BotSpawn





i tried to set the "BanditTown" as Profile but nothing changes, still default loot.






i already have the plugin CustomLoot working fine with the bots on the monuments.. only custom ones are having this problem.



I was looking in the wrong place. now everything works fine thank you


Edited by ffriozi
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  • Administrator

Your images don't seem to be working but just to clarify, BotSpawn isn't looking for a loottable/data file name.

It's looking for the name of a profile from CustomLoot.json. That profile points to a loottable/datafile.


That means you can choose to use an existing profile...one of the existing npc types or container types,
or just enter in some new name which would give you a new custom profile in CustomLoot.json, under the heading "API".
You'd then have to point that at a loottable.data file.

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