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Need to have control over the type of the NPC shortnames

Pending 1.3.1



XStatistics requires the right Shornames to track them from what I can see and all your NPCs are Heavy Scientists. so all get tracked as those. If you have a solution, I'm all ears.I have different kits also and I use NPCkits for the ones not controlled for BetterNPCs.

Thank You!







        Dictionary<string, string> names = new Dictionary<string, string>()
			{"oilrig", "OilRig"},
			{"excavator", "Excavator"},
			{"peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"},
			{"bandit_guard", "BanditTown"},
			{"_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"},
			{"junkpile", "JunkPileScientist"},
			{"scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow" },
			{"scarecrow", "ScareCrow"},
			{"military_tunnel", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" },
			{"scientistnpc_roam", "RoamScientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_any", "FullAnyScientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_mp5", "FullMP5Scientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_lr300", "FullLR300Scientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_pistol", "FullPistolScientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "FullShotgunScientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_full_patrol", "FullPatrolScientist"},
			{"scientist_full", "MilitaryTunnelScientist"},
			{"scientist_turret", "CargoShip"},
			{"scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"},
			{"scientist_astar", "CargoShip"},
			{"scientistnpc_bradley", "APCScientist" },  
			{"scientistnpc_bradley_heavy", "APCHeavyScientist"},
			{"scientistnpc_heavy", "HeavyScientist"},
			{"tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"},
			{"underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDweller"},
			{"trainyard" , "Trainyard"},
			{"airfield" , "Airfield"}, 
			{"scientistnpc_roamtethered", "DesertScientist" },
			{"arctic_research_base", "ArcticResearchBase" },
			{"launch_site", "LaunchSite" },
			{"nuclear_missile_silo", "NuclearMissileSilo" },
			{"scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "RoamNVGVariantScientist" },
			{"gingerbread", "Gingerbread" },
			{"missionprovider_fishing", "MissionProviderOutpost" },
			{"missionprovider_outpost", "MissionProviderFishing" },
			{"missionprovider_stables", "MissionProviderStables" },
			{"missionprovider_bandit", "MissionProviderBandit" },
			{"boat_shopkeeper", "BoatShopkeeper" },
			{"bandit_shopkeeper", "BanditShopkeeper" },




4 hours ago, JustANoob said:

XStatistics requires the right Shornames to track them from what I can see and all your NPCs are Heavy Scientists. so all get tracked as those. If you have a solution, I'm all ears.I have different kits also and I use NPCkits for the ones not controlled for BetterNPCs.

Thank You!

Whatever is listed in the NpcSpawn config file will be the base for all NPCs yes.

There are plugins that can track custom names of scientists for example, this is the best option depending on what you are trying to do. If you can provide more details for what exactly you are trying to do I can give more answers.



so the plugin tracks kills of the NPCs and BetterNPCS uses the heavy scientist to spawn the new npcs on the map, but if they are all heavies then I can't track the different tier monuments that have 1 2 3, circle, triangle square in that order, because every monument would have the heavies and not be able to choose the different npcs to match the tiers or the npcs that are default at the monuments..




5 hours ago, JustANoob said:

so the plugin tracks kills of the NPCs and BetterNPCS uses the heavy scientist to spawn the new npcs on the map, but if they are all heavies then I can't track the different tier monuments that have 1 2 3, circle, triangle square in that order, because every monument would have the heavies and not be able to choose the different npcs to match the tiers or the npcs that are default at the monuments..

I would reach out to the developer of that plugin to allow to set custom NPCs by their custom names or add API, something to this effect. Maybe they can even be decided by what they are wearing if nothing else.

You can change the base NPC to whatever you want in the NpcSpawn configuration. The configuration file was changed to actually include this instead of needing to change it in the CS file, as well as the targeting options that have been included there. NpcSpawn and the plugins that use it have always had one base NPC type.



Monster said that he doesn't support 3rd party plugins.

Now the only thing I need to know from your plugin is how I can choose other NPC Shortnames that are spawned, so I can zero in on where I want certain NPCs at the locations I need them to be tracked correctly and have the correct Kit.

As it stands they would be in the same place as the Circles and the Triangles, besides them being at oil and bradley they are mixed in with the others. I don't know how to set them to the ones I need.
Tier 1 - Circles - Heavy Scientists
Tier 2 - Triangles - Heavy Scientists
Tier 3 - Squares - Heavy Scientists

From what I see is that BetterNPC only spawns in the Heavy scientist as the spawned in NPC everywhere they spawn.

Monster's plugin tracks the Shortnames of each scientist of the type and if I wasn't using BetterNPC then it would have all the default NPCs.

My admin said she spent 6 hours getting them to work this way and this is the Stats with her work, and they are all tracked correctly now, but Circles "My mastake, I copied the the same Kit into every config in BetterNPC", but Each plugin from what I can see on top of BetterNPC chooses to use Heavy Scientist in place and that makes it hard to track.

Say if I could choose NVG for the config for the monument for Silo then they would all match.
And if for Gas Station I could choose "Scientist NPC Any" or what its supposed to be at that Tier then it would match.

Convoy. GasStationEvent, BetterNPC all spawn Heavy Scientist from what I can see.

If there was a way I can change the Heavy Scientists in the config that I'm not aware of, that be so awesome and solve the issue of the tracking of each NPC in the stats.

I don't know if I should even care now that she fixed it, but I'm that type to see if there is a solution.

I check out the NPCSpawn plugin config also.

Thank You again!




11 hours ago, JustANoob said:

Monster said that he doesn't support 3rd party plugins.

Now the only thing I need to know from your plugin is how I can choose other NPC Shortnames that are spawned, so I can zero in on where I want certain NPCs at the locations I need them to be tracked correctly and have the correct Kit.

As it stands they would be in the same place as the Circles and the Triangles, besides them being at oil and bradley they are mixed in with the others. I don't know how to set them to the ones I need.
Tier 1 - Circles - Heavy Scientists
Tier 2 - Triangles - Heavy Scientists
Tier 3 - Squares - Heavy Scientists

From what I see is that BetterNPC only spawns in the Heavy scientist as the spawned in NPC everywhere they spawn.

Monster's plugin tracks the Shortnames of each scientist of the type and if I wasn't using BetterNPC then it would have all the default NPCs.

My admin said she spent 6 hours getting them to work this way and this is the Stats with her work, and they are all tracked correctly now, but Circles "My mastake, I copied the the same Kit into every config in BetterNPC", but Each plugin from what I can see on top of BetterNPC chooses to use Heavy Scientist in place and that makes it hard to track.

Say if I could choose NVG for the config for the monument for Silo then they would all match.
And if for Gas Station I could choose "Scientist NPC Any" or what its supposed to be at that Tier then it would match.

Convoy. GasStationEvent, BetterNPC all spawn Heavy Scientist from what I can see.

If there was a way I can change the Heavy Scientists in the config that I'm not aware of, that be so awesome and solve the issue of the tracking of each NPC in the stats.

I don't know if I should even care now that she fixed it, but I'm that type to see if there is a solution.

I check out the NPCSpawn plugin config also.

Thank You again!

Yes so I'm sorry you spent that time sorting that out I would have explained it for you.

NpcSpawn config it says at the end of your message you noticed, but it is where you can set the base NPC for NpcSpawn. There is not a timeline but there is already a note from a short while ago considering choosing the base NPC for each plugin or possibly preset. Currently there are some plugins that there is no ability to share hooks or API to make them compatible that is the one time that using anything NpcSpawn has not been ideal recently. Granted there are many other options that are, KpucTaJl the developer will likely add something the next time the plugin(s) are updated. Just keep in mind this affects a large library at this point so likely to add something like this every single plugin that uses it will need the update too. So it requires some consideration and planning.

Otherwise I am a little curious how you were able to sort it but mostly just glad to hear that you did! Thank you for the feedback and follow up messages.



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