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Giant Ex Resource Output Issue

Closed 1.0.3


Hey MrMokka,


I'm sorry to open another ticket! However, there seems to be an issue with the Giant Excavator feature. I've included my QuarryController and GatherManager configs below for your review. For some reason, I'm only getting what appears to be 95% of what the config is set to (1.0). I've included the screenshot so you can see my output for all four resources at Giant Ex. Please let me know if I can provide you with any further info. Everything is still working perfectly for the smaller quarries. Would it be possible to have the Excavator config match the quarries with the same format of "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0? As that format works great! Thank you for your help!


Vanilla Output Should be

100HQ per diesel

2,000 Sulfur per diesel

5,000 Metal Frag per diesel

10,000 Stone per diesel



QuarryController Config



  "Config version": "1.0.3",

  "Stone Quarry": {

    "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 130.0,

    "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0,

    "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1250.0


  "Sulfur Quarry": {

    "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 130.0,

    "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0,

    "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1250.0


  "High quality metal Quarry": {

    "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 130.0,

    "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0,

    "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1250.0


  "Pumpjack": {

    "Fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0,

    "Resource tickrate (seconds)": 5.0,

    "Amount of resources per diesel (1000 = vanilla)": 1000.0


  "Excavator": {

    "Excavator fuel time per diesel (seconds)": 120.0,

    "Excavator resource tickrate": 3.0,

    "Excavator resource multiplier": {

      "Stone": 1.0,

      "Sulfur": 1.0,

      "Metal fragments": 1.0,

      "High quality metal": 1.0



  "Use excavator settings if GatherManager exists": true





GatherManager Config


  "Options": {

    "ExcavatorBeltSpeedMax": 0.1,

    "ExcavatorResourceModifiers": {},

    "ExcavatorResourceTickRate": 3.0,

    "ExcavatorTimeForFullResources": 120.0,

    "GatherDispenserModifiers": {"*": 2.0},

    "GatherResourceModifiers": {"*": 2.0},

    "MiningQuarryResourceTickRate": 5.0,

    "PickupResourceModifiers": {

        "*": 2.0,

        "Diesel Fuel": 1.0


    "QuarryResourceModifiers": {},

    "SurveyResourceModifiers": {}


  "Settings": {

    "ChatPrefix": "Gather Manager",

    "ChatPrefixColor": "#008000ff"




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I will take a look at this when i have time after work today.
But something i have noticed is that the giant excavator starts using diesel once you start the excavator, not when you select the resource.
I will have a friend over for testing this properly tho, so will get this fixed

For the format part, it's not that easy.
The excavator works verry differently than the other quarries, has a different setup, different functions and different basically everything ;). 
I can take a look at it while fixing the other issue, but i won't promise any changes to the quarry config

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Sounds good and makes sense with Ex starting to use the contents of the barrel once you turn Ex on, but you still have to make your way up and select the resource you are mining. I'll test with two barrels, and if that's the issue, then the 2nd barrel should give full output. Also, makes sense on the formatting question...just wishful thinking on my part 🙂 Thank you!

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I did some more testing myself and this is what i got. You can use this and see if we get the same results

Red square - Vanilla settings, no QuarryController or GatherManager plugin
Green square - QuarryController and GatherManager, but both with default config
Yellow square - Used 1 diesel (the other is 2 diesel)
The HQM in yellow square - Selected mining resource 60sec after i clicked the on button
I have increased stack size
Everything is in pairs, because i didn't combine the outputs in one stack. So each of the 25 HQM is from each of the outputs, but from the same diesel (if that makes sense)


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Hey MrMokka,


You called it, dude! It's Ex using a portion of the barrel of diesel while you've yet to select your output resource. I'm so sorry to waste your time with this! I've played A LOT of Rust....like over 8k hours...lmao and I never noticed it using up the diesel. I appreciate your help, and maybe a positive is that someone else will see this and not bother you again 🙂 


My server is configured with 4k stack sizes for MATS, and in my testing, the first row of each resource is one diesel, and the second row is two diesel. I've combined the outputs of each of the two gather locations. I tested with vanilla config in both GatherManager and QuarryController. When testing with two diesel barrels, the second barrel gave the full output of the resource. 


Anyway, again, sorry to waste your time, but I appreciate your help very much!


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No problem, i'm always happy to help.

It was nice to actually get some proper testing done to back up my idea that the first diesel is not 100% and that is a vanilla feature, so thankyou for bringing up any possible issues they can be fixed 😄 

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