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issues with other plugin

Pending 1.2.0



the rewrite is working good. 


2 issues, and the second one may not be an issue and might be intended.

1. when using a mod like realpve, when you revive, it will overwrite the first X spots on your belt with what you have set to spawn with on realpve. i am not sure if there is a way to bypass that or not. 


2. when you die and spawn, your guns that were empty are now loaded. if this was intentional, then i would ask for a config option to disable that. 



The second thing with the guns does not happen with Death Modifier, my code only gives the weapon back exactly as it was when you died with it
( so if the weapon had no ammo it would give it back without it ), That is happening from your other plugin givening the players the items / weapons.

The first one is a 3rd party plugin support issue, I currently support NTeleportation & kits because they have hooks for me to use to prevent that from happening.

So if that plugin, "RealPVE" has a hook for me to use to prevent that then I could add support for it as well like i did with kits & nteleportation.




Ya, so Real PVE doesn't have any hooks in it to stop it from over-riding my logic. 

So unless they update the plugin & add over-ride hooks like how NTeleportation & Kits has then i cannot add support for it.



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