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2.0 bugs.

Closed 2.0.0 2.0.25


Posted (edited)


Amazing progress, just installed and i am testing it.
Found some really bad problems.

bgrade dont work, it starts in the right grade i selected but finishes as twig. 

building grade on off menu button dont work.

Community tab just stay saying loading.

Doors gets bugged when using auto place, u only see handle.

u can build foundations into eachother overlapping.

There is a more other small problems i dont remember. i can fill this list once i find more.
But it does not work properly thats for sure. Maybe its because of latest update?

Keep up the good work.

Edited by Zand3rs
added more information!


Community tab require SQL connection in order to work

can you please send a video of the following things?

Doors gets bugged when using auto place, u only see handle.
u can build foundations into eachother overlapping.
bgrade dont work, it starts in the right grade i selected but finishes as twig. 


Posted (edited)

Hello again.

Doors worked now for some reason when i logged back in.
bgrade still not working.
Here i have metal selected as you can see in video.


[CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v successfully
Creative was compiled successfully in 2586ms
Unloaded plugin Creative v2.0.0 by Ryuk_
[Creative] Created or loaded BaseShare DB
[Creative] Created or loaded BaseVotes DB
[Creative] Created or loaded Saved Bases DB
[Creative] Connected and tables created (if not exists)
Creative has replaced the 'claim' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'unclaim' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'c' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'u' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'noclip' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'fly' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'f' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'god' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'g' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'bgrade' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'b' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'menu' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'help' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'info' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'weather' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'time' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'save' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'guardar' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'load' chat command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'creative.weather' console command previously registered by Creative
Creative has replaced the 'cargar' chat command previously registered by Creative
antihack.terrain_protection: "0"
decay.scale: "0"
decay.upkeep: "False"
env.progresstime: "False"
env.time: "12"
creative.allusers: "True"
creative.freebuild: "True"
creative.freerepair: "True"
             _     _____ ____    _    ______   __     _        _    ____ ____  
            | |   | ____/ ___|  / \  / ___\ \ / /    | |      / \  | __ ) ___| 
            | |   |  _|| |  _  / _ \| |    \ V /     | |     / _ \ |  _ \___ \ 
            | |___| |__| |_| |/ ___ \ |___  | |      | |___ / ___ \| |_) |__) |
            |_____|_____\____/_/   \_\____| |_|      |_____/_/   \_\____/____/ 
            Loaded: Creative 2.0 Plugin
            Rust Plugins | AI Based AntiCheat | Rust Servers | Software Development
            Visit us as https://legacylabs.icu/
            Discord: https://dsc.gg/legacy-labs
            Support at: https://codefling.com/ryuk_
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'Creative v2.0.0' took 319ms
Loaded plugin Creative v2.0.0 by Ryuk_
[Image Library] Starting order Creative
Image batch (Creative) has been stored successfully
Saved 46 ents, cache(0.00), write(0.00), disk(0.00).
Saving complete
Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown
Compiler shutdown completed


I am using mysql, maybe wrong version?


Edited by Zand3rs
Added info


also if you hit e, while in the blueprint, and select a different grade, then put the foundation down, it does keep it, but the menu items for bgrade dont seem to do anything



the weather seems not editable, maybe i need a plugin?
After foundations and wall are put down, they are able to be changed in the menu for base grade without problems

also it created the tables fine in mariadb, but when i go to community it just does this. a



Posted (edited)

Ever considered using sqlite ? Its self contained, working good because mysql and rust is not best buddies, it depends on versions, etc.
Creative plugin actually makes a database then it cant connect to it anymore it seems.


Edited by Zand3rs


Correct, I created the database correctly but it does not connect, the same thing is happening to me.



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress

Changed Fixed In to 2.0.1



The update is out, all related bugs should be fixed now.

Please take a look and give feedback if you can.
I will close the ticket in 1 day if there is no response.

2.0 Version was already working on oxide.



9 hours ago, Ryuk_ said:

The update is out, all related bugs should be fixed now.

Please take a look and give feedback if you can.
I will close the ticket in 1 day if there is no response.

2.0 Version was already working on oxide.

Still having same issue when building with foundations building into each other.
Fresh install all files removed!

Maybe this is a setting but i dont know what to change.



13 hours ago, Zand3rs said:

Still having same issue when building with foundations building into each other.
Fresh install all files removed!

Maybe this is a setting but i dont know what to change.

Hey! that problem is already solved, it was caused by the new "creative" in game commands, by default are all set false, but if you don't change your config or doesn't restart the server you should send the commands

creative.allUsers false
creative.freePlacement false
creative.freeBuild false
creative.freeRepair false



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In from 2.0.1 to 2.0.15



a few toggles in the ui still dont toggle. but here is a big one potentially.

if you made a base on a map with any elevation, and save it, or share it, then go to another spot on the map and tell it to load it, it might spawn above or below the ground.

one more is if you turn off stability and make a base, save, then load it, it will crumble. those features may need to be tagged somehow so players crazy bases are even loadable. even if i have it disabled in the bubble, when i load it, crumbles




Using 2.0.20 version

pasting stability still seems broken, aka, build with stability off, then save, then tell it to load that building and the upper parts will crumble. even if your (zone) area has the stability set to 100%.


Also the files created do not appear to fully copy paste compatible,. here is the error when its transferred out of the data/creative/guid/folder to another server and paste of the file name is attempted

(20:31:59) | Failed to call hook 'CmdPaste' on plugin 'CopyPaste v4.2.0' (InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.)
  at Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.PreLoadData (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] entities, UnityEngine.Vector3 startPos, System.Single rotationCorrection, System.Boolean deployables, System.Boolean inventories, System.Boolean auth, System.Boolean vending) [0x00064] in <54ff627ee6f7425d91c1bdaad25cabea>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.TryPaste (UnityEngine.Vector3 startPos, System.String filename, Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.Single rotationCorrection, System.String[] args, System.Boolean autoHeight, System.Action callback, System.Action`1[T] callbackSpawned) [0x0070d] in <54ff627ee6f7425d91c1bdaad25cabea>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.TryPasteFromSteamId (System.UInt64 userId, System.String filename, System.String[] args, System.Action callback, System.Action`1[T] callbackSpawned) [0x0009d] in <54ff627ee6f7425d91c1bdaad25cabea>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.CmdPaste (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00083] in <54ff627ee6f7425d91c1bdaad25cabea>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CopyPaste.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0098e] in <54ff627ee6f7425d91c1bdaad25cabea>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0

the file was just 4 foundations, and some walls. nothing fancy, not even a roof




Changed Status from Closed to Work in Progress

Changed Fixed In from 2.0.15 to 2.020



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In from 2.020 to 2.0.25



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