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Dosen't Work

Not a Bug 0.1.0

Gay Sparkly T-Rex

No error messages in console but refuses to load any timers. I have Balance Status working perfectly.

I have tried skinned and unskinned sleeping bag, Ive tried a bed and even a beach towel and cannot get this to work. Any help would begreatly appreciated.


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@Gay Sparkly T-Rex

Hello. The issue is that you've set DestroyTime to 2 seconds. This means that after the bar appears, it gets destroyed after 2 seconds, regardless of the sleeping bag timer. You need to set it to 0 so that the bar is destroyed when the timer runs out, or set it to a value greater than 2.
This was done to allow for the possibility of prematurely removing bars, so they don't hang around for 2-3 minutes.


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