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compatibility with events

Work in Progress 1.2.0 1.3.0


Looked through the descriptions of all of these, and their APIs/hooks don't provide enough info for me to add support.

I'll reach out to the two authors and see if they're willing to work something out.

Edit: I have sent them each a DM on Discord and will report back if I hear anything.

Edited by HunterZ
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Update - KpucTaJl responded with the following information regarding his/her plugins:

AirEvent and WaterEvent provide event start hook signatures that look like this:

void OnAirEventStart(HashSet<BaseEntity> entities, Vector3 pos, float radius)

All others provide ones that look like this:

void OnSupermarketEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius)

And they all provide event end signatures that look like this:

void OnSupermarketEventEnd()

I should be able to make this work, but it will take some effort due to being an approach that I haven't encountered yet. It will require things like persisting event records in my data file in case SuperPVxInfo gets reloaded while an event is active.

Edited by HunterZ
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Also got a response from Adem. Sounds like he/she is willing to add enter/exit hooks. This approach would be easy for me to integrate with, as I already support it for a few other plugins

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Support for KpucTaJl's event plugins has been added in version 1.3.0, but I can't test them. Let me know if you get a chance to verify.

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5 minutes ago, BadLandPVE said:

im goin to test it now with all events, and ill tell you.

okey, it works on all KpucTaJI`s events

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4 hours ago, BadLandPVE said:

other thing. can make compatible to truepve?¿ if is enabled true pve show PVE and when is unload show PVP?

Super PVx Info already supports TruePVE.

Set the default PVx type in the config file to PVE if you run TruePVE, or to PVP if you don't. Super PVx Info does its best to determine which kind of area you're in, then falls back to the default if it can't get an explicit state.

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15 hours ago, HunterZ said:

Super PVx Info already supports TruePVE.

Set the default PVx type in the config file to PVE if you run TruePVE, or to PVP if you don't. Super PVx Info does its best to determine which kind of area you're in, then falls back to the default if it can't get an explicit state.

ok ok ,im asking because i unloaded truePVE and didnt changed to pvp. had to modify it on cfg.

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3 hours ago, BadLandPVE said:

ok ok ,im asking because i unloaded truePVE and didnt changed to pvp. had to modify it on cfg.

Right, it doesn't know what TruePVE is doing, which is why you also have to align the height limits in Super PVx Info's config file with what you have in TruePVE's config file.

My plugin is limited to what TruePVE's public API allows, or else there's no chance of also supporting other PVE plugins like NextGenPVE, SimplePVE, etc.

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