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RCON+ Installation

Closed v3.0.9



I purchased the Ultimate RCON+ bot and have everything configured in my config.json and server.json files. I've configured my Discord server, and created the specific channels, channel IDs, role IDs, and webhooks. I've created the Discord developer's bot and integrated it with my Discord server.  I've purchased a bot from Reaper Bot hosting and have uploaded and unzipped the zip file. I've not turned the bot on yet, as I'm unsure if I need to install anything within the Oxide directory of my Rust server. Typically, I would upload a .cs file for a plugin, but I do not see that anywhere within the zipped directory I downloaded from CodeFling. I've watched SRT Bull's video maybe four times now, and he doesn't mention installing the plugin. So, I'm a little lost. Is there a plugin that needs to be installed on my Rust server? Or am I good to go? Thank you!

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I just went ahead and turned the bot on at Reaper Bot, and everything fired up and connected to my server.  So, looks like I"m good to go. Sorry to have bothered you with nothing 🙂

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All good, no worries. The bot does not rely on a plugin, however there is an optional plugin to give you logs that I couldn’t do without one. You can see that one on my profile. It’s called UltimateRCON+ addon 

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