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Correct Format For Split /atp Names

No Response 0.1.4 0.1.4

Wile E.

I am aware you put an example in the Description, however, I could not get it to work in a specific instance.

For my example, what would the correct format be for my name, Wile E.

I have a team mate who is a limited Mod on my server and it would be great if he could TP to me occasionally. He is limited in his ability to run commands for a few reasons and I thought this would be a perfect, clean and simple method for him to use.

Perms ahve been granted

These are formats we tried that failed:

/atp Wile_E.

/atp Wile E.

/atp "Wile_E." 

The first and last return "no player found for name"

Perms have been granted.

I am rather confused and am optimistic you can find a few mins to help sort me.



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Sorry for the slow reply.  I tend to use the steam id when the name is not a single word. odd that specifying it in double quotes is not working.  I would suggest: /atp "Wile E."  and see if that works.

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