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Not able to burn boxes or Turrets?

Closed 2.8.9



Always have worked great. Love plugin, Problem I'm having is we cannot burn boxes with anything or turrets? Is there a change I can make to revert back to be able too? No other plugin I have seems to be causing this have removed all to see no difference. Thank you for your time and the great plugin!!



hi, there were no changes regarding this

are you using TruePVE?



ok, it might be the fire game bug then. TruePVE would block the bugged damage.

try this and tell me if it solves the issue.




Posted (edited)

Sorry but did not change, will remove TruePve again and see if any changes. 

could burn box with flame gun while holding burn on

but would not burn with inc rockets or motov only few points on initial impact

Edited by bluelite73


hm, ok, post your truepve config.

there is no reason TruePVE should block it if it's not the game bug. RB should have full control over that.


Posted (edited)

this would output to the server console, and being fire, it will spam quite a bit. so use tpve.trace to toggle it on then a moment later type it again to turn it off

Edited by nivex


Sorry for the delayed response, getting no lines when doing actions inside of raid base, however outside of raid base getting this attached. Tested few times same result. 

[TruePVE] ====================== == STARTING TRACE == == 23:20:35.99088 == ====================== From: BasePlayer, player To: BasePlayer, player Checking exclusions between [empty] and [empty] Shared locations: none No shared locations, or no matching exclusion mapping - no exclusions No exclusion found - looking up RuleSet... Using RuleSet "default" No match in pre-checks; evaluating RuleSet rules... Initiator EntityGroup matches: players Target EntityGroup matches: players Evaluating Rules... Checking direct initiator->target rules... Evaluating "players->players"... Match found; allow damage? False



no response is good, that means RB is handling it for TruePVE as it should.

here are possible reasons the damage would be blocked, if configured to do so.

  1. Player Damage To Base Multipliers in the profiles if Heat is set to 0. this is not 0 by default. it is 1.0 which is normal damage. this cannot be it if initial damage works then stops
  2. Entities Not Allowed To Be Damaged in the profiles - if it were configured to block damage to autoturret and boxes. this is not configured by default, so again I doubt this is the cause.
  3. if the event is loading and has not yet stated "event opened" then ALL damage is blocked. again, you said partial damage was allowed so this cannot be it.
  4. if the initiator and the victim were an autoturret/box then all damage is blocked. a plugin would have to cause this for this to happen, so it should not be the cause either.
  5. if Eco Raiding has Enabled set to true in the profile
  6. if you are mounted and have Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players enabled in the config
  7. if you outside of the event and Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Bases Inside is enabled in the config
  8. if you are not ally (team/friend/clan) of the owner of the raid.
  9. if you have an active Player Lockout from the config
  10. Boxes Are Invulnerable Until Cupboard Is Destroyed in config
  11. Boxes Are Invulnerable in config

those would be the only reasons damage would be blocked to turrets or boxes, and most of that would block damage to everything.



Thank you for all your help and time, I will find solution to fix this and will definitely post results. More reading and testing, Gotta love it.

Thanks again!!



no problem. please do let me know. I do like to know the most common reasons and issue happens so I can better answer people.

this issue does strike me a bit odd though. it still feels like a plugin might be causing it, but if you said not then I guess we will see what comes from your testing


Posted (edited)

Ok I'm at a loss? Wiped all files reinstalled service, got raid bases into service all is good can burn and damage boxes and turrets on map, however loaded TruePVE plugin and can't burn turrets or boxes at all only 17 hit points of initial damage upon throwing a Molotov cocktail or using incendiary rockets. Not game breaking but is a definite issue with TruePVE conflicting with Radiable bases. Wasn't like this before don't know which Face punch update has changed something. Thank you for all the help Also did try PVP and PVE raid bases no change

Edited by bluelite73


loading truepve would require that you reload RaidableBases to avoid any potential issues. reloading truepve does not require this since it would have been loaded already.

there was no trace for the damage so it cannot be caused by truepve. RaidableBases would block it for the above 11 reasons only, or it is another plugin or bug.

I can test and see if I can reproduce it.


Posted (edited)

can you zip your RB config and oxide/data/RaidableBases folder and send the archive in a private message?

Edited by nivex
  • Like 1


unfortunately I cannot reproduce this with your config and data files. molotovs and incendiary rockets hurt and continue to burn turrets and boxes as expected 😕

can you enable Trace To Player Console in the TruePVE config and try another trace with fire in RB?

this is what I recommend to use for the TruePVE config


if you see a trace, this means RB is bugged (not TruePVE)
if you see no trace still, then we can proceed from there



I tried this on Linux server using Oxide, Windows server using Oxide, and Windows server using Carbon with the same results using molotovs and incendiary rockets spawned in via F1 game console and default TruePVE config with your RB files. server.pve was set to false 


Posted (edited)


I did find a separate issue in TruePVE and have released TruePVE 2.2.1

it might be related to this issue too. so please let me know if this fixes your issue.

I don't think it will help since RB handles the behavior of TruePVE, but it is still beneficial to update TruePVE

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

Thank you for all the help with MY issue. It was customhelicopterteirs plugin causing issue, config files for no burning Heli Gibbs in there causing boxes and turrets in Radiable Bases not to be able to burn also. 

nivex is a class act and has gone above and beyond to help fix my issue. Thank you so much for all you do for all gamers!!!!!!!!!! Hope this helps with anyone having this issue.

Edited by bluelite73
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hi thanks for letting me know the cause. good luck



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