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Dont buy until hes fixed it.

Closed 1.0.4 2.0.0


Posted (edited)

Sorry for publically posting this Amino, however you're not providing me with adaquate support on your Discord, and for the mostpart you're too busy re-writing everything else.

I'll be honest, This plugin has just been thrown together.  It dosen't work as intended, theres elements where it just dosen't work atall. 

I alerted Amino to certain things not working, I/E scoreboards not showing clan's bases, nothing has been done to rectify it.. It appears hes just made his money selling these plugins, and nothing has actually happened. Theres also alot of server owners with these issues and they too don't get supported, alot of server owners daren't speak out in fear they wont get any further support moving forward, however I'm past the point now of caring. 


For this particular plugin... 

- Sometimes get an issue where a whole raid dosen't award any clancore points? 

- Scoreboards don't update correctly, also theres delays on points being issued. 

- Clancores isnt awarding points for Attack Heli, atall now. 

- Hackable crates sometimes dont give points. 

- Clan locations aren't appearing past the afformentioned threshold. 


Please can you resolve the above.

Please stop developing new things to sell, when you have things that need addressing.



Edited by Zeroo


I've been consistently providing support whenever you've reached out, so I'm confused by the claim that I haven't been responsive. Over the past 12 hours, there were no replies because I was sleeping and at the gym. I typically don’t respond to support requests between 11 PM and 8 AM. The statement that I haven't been providing support isn't accurate and can be disproven by reviewing the product support tab for all my products or by checking the 20,000 support messages in my Discord.

Now, addressing the issues you mentioned:

Issue with ClanCore Points Not Awarded After a Raid
- I can't replicate this issue. After reviewing everything, I found that this problem only occurs if either the raiding clan or the raided clan doesn’t actually have a clan. Which is intended. 

Scoreboards Not Updating Correctly/Points Delays
- This should be impossible. When points are altered, they are immediately reflected in the list, and the UI gets the new information every time it's accessed.

ClanCores Not Awarding Points for Attack Heli
- This is likely because the clan isn't dealing the most damage. I'll add a configuration toggle allowing you to select whether points go to the clan that does the most damage or the one that lands the final shot.

Hackable Crates Not Awarding Points
- Points are awarded to the first person who loots the crate. Again, they need a valid clan with a TC to receive points.

Clan Locations Not Appearing Beyond the Specified Threshold
- I’ll take another look into this to see if there’s a reason, but so far, I haven't been able to replicate the issue.

Please stop developing new things to sell, when you have things that need addressing.
- Nothing has been developed, nor is in the works of being developed new since this has been released.



I have provided you evidence today in DM's showing Heli dosen't award points.


I myself have created a clan, set a TC and replicated it on the server, and it's not giving me points either. 

You state that scoreboards not updating should be impossible, but theres a "should". I am reporting the issue to you, i honestly dont have time to come to you with something, if it's not happening. 


I understand you cannot replicate the issue on a test server, with nobody on it. However I'm explaining that sometimes raids aren't issuing points, like just now i've had to Manually issue a clan points. One clan lost points, the other didnt gain. And because you didnt provide any administrative commands for this plugin, we've had to manually edit the data file, again for like the 30th time.

I have also documented and provided you evidence that locations aren't updating for clancores, you can physically see it on the evidence, and you still have yet to explain why?



This should be "impossible" by your account, but clearly isnt. 



An actual video here, of these guys taking Heli, with no point award. I understand you cannot see all the video, but myself have logged into the server today, made a clan, set a CC killed heli that i called to me with no award. 





Updates coming on the 19th



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 2.0.0



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