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Failed to initialize plugin

Closed 1.0.8


What's up Mercy! 

I'm sorry that you ran into this issue...but unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this on my end. if you can try a few things and let me know...that would be awesome! Can you make sure that you have deleted both data files? The first is in /oxide/data/homestereo/ (You can delete the homestereo directory in the data folder now.). The second is the HomeStereo.json in the /oxide/data/ folder. Also, please make sure that you have deleted the HomeStereo.json in the config folder too. 


One of the larger changes in this version is how we are tracking installed radios for the player limits, so if there are any of the existing data files remaining it will be an issue. 



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Hello, Unfortunately, deleting all files did not affect the correct loading of the plugin(
I deleted absolutely all files related to the plugin, even from the lang folder, but it still won’t load(

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Can I get your oxide version? You can get that by entering o.version in the console. 

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Hey Mercy,

I spent most of the day yesterday trying to reproduce this issue. I reached out to my community to see if there is anything I am missing here, but the three other admins who helped with this were also unable to reproduce that issue. 

Have you made any progress on your end? Let me know so I can continue to help troubleshoot this issue with you 🙂 


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Unfortunately no, but I think a wipe can solve this problem, so I think help is no longer needed. But thank you very much for trying to help, I don’t understand why this happened)

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