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Not understanding how this works

Work in Progress 1.2.3

Good day, I just bought this plugin to replace a very aging and out of date HomeRecycler plugin. I installed this yesterday, and I have the plugin loading and working via command fine, but the rate and time is default. I have the permission set to default group at default values, and I have it set for a donate group with instant recycle and 100% rate. I'm in the donate group, but I'm not getting any of these settings other than default. What could I be doing wrong? I spent all day testing it and got nowhere so far.

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Well I tried many more hours to get this to work, and it simply doesn't work with groups. I would like a refund of this plugin please. I found a another recycler plugin that works for me, because this one doesn't perform as advertised.

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  • Administrator

Hey there, can you please help me identify the issue by providing the config you used? Thank you kindly.

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Thanks Raul, this is the config here. 

  "Prefix": "Portable Recycler",
  "OpenCommand": "recycler",
  "PlayOpenEffect": true,
  "ChatIconSteamId": 0,
  "Rules": {
    "CanUseRecyclerWhileBuildingBlocked": false,
    "CanUseRecyclerWhileCombatBlocked": true,
    "CanUseRecyclerWhileRaidBlocked": true
  "Phrases": {
    "CooledDown": "You're in cooldown.\n<size=12><color=orange>{0}</color> seconds left.</size>",
    "BuildingBlocked": "You're building-blocked.",
    "CombatBlocked": "You're combat-blocked.",
    "RaidBlocked": "You're raid-blocked.",
    "CloseClear": "Your <color=orange>Portable Recycler</color> emptied as you cannot store items inside of it."
  "GroupCooldowns": {
    "default": 30.0,
    "donate": 10.0
  "GroupRate": {
    "default": 3.0,
    "donate": 0.0
  "GroupQuality": {
    "default": 0.5,
    "donate": 1.0


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