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weapon leaks

Pending 1.2.2


i've obviously done something wrong. i love this plugin. my loot tables are perfectly balanced, but something's not working right.

it's just a "friend" server, so 4-6 players who play occasionally - a couple times a week. but my system resources are overloaded every 10 days or so, and the cause is a spiking number of weapons entities.

at first i thought it was my NPC plugin, but it's not. the only other plugin that i use that might affect loot is this one. i've included a pic of the entities on the server. left is from yesterday, and the right one is this morning - roughly 18 hours. only one of us played during this time - there's no explanation for the increase of 1k hunting bows. he's just not that efficient with his looting. 🙂

please help! thank you.  🙂

*** i actually wrote this days ago - is there an issue with the submit button? this will be the third time i've hit it.


weapon leak.png

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Seems odd that it's exclusively melee weapons, no?

Is it not more likely to be an issue relating to your npc plugins or kits plugin or something like that,
or is CustomLoot really only populating containers with melee weapons?

At first glance I was going to say it could be the weapons that npcs spawn with, which are then removed/replaced by some plugin,
but there's a few outliers there. I don't think any vanilla npcs spawn with bows (correct me if I'm wrong).

Idk. Tell me more. We'll get it figured out. 👍

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the only NPC plugins i'm using are BetterNpc and NpcSpawn. i've been discussing it with the author and on a couple discord channels, and we don't believe they're the issue. the only other plugin i have that affects loot in any way is this one. (i'm very new at this). i've tried a lot of things to remedy the problem, and i do believe that i removed these plugins at some point to see if the problem persisted, and it did.

i'm not using any kits.

i've removed the "scarecrows" and "murderers" that i originally had on the server. 

guns are very rare on my server, and you won't find an M249, LR, AK, etc. so it wouldn't be unusual to see no guns in the top 15.

i have no idea regarding vanilla NPCs - i haven't played a vanilla game in years.  🙂   but bows are a big part of my server.

thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly! i hope the additional info helps.

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  • Administrator

Seems like that kind of list should almost conclusively point you in one direction or the other.

Do you have CustomLoot set up to give those items with high probability?
If not, do you have npcs that use those items as weapons with high frequency?

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i haven't modified most of my npcs yet, as i wanted to sort out this problem first. i did modify the gas station npcs with spears, and staple gun. i don't think any of my edited NPCs are using bows.

customloot WILL give most of those items as higher probability.

Edited by Lolapalooza
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  • Administrator

Ok, fair enough.
As far as I know I'm handling item removal correctly everywhere I need to,
but, of course, it's entirely possible I've missed something.

I'll set enable everything in CustomLoot on my server and set them all to use the same loot table, giving out the same one or two items.
It should be obvious pretty fast if those are accumulating on my server somehow.

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  • Administrator

Ok, done.

I fired up a fresh server with no plugins and printed entity lists.
Looked normal, bar about a thousand metal_detector_source <shrug>

Fired up CustomLoot to populate every single container on the map with compound bows and, sure enough,
the entity list showed bow.compound at the top with about 8000 of them.

I then destroyed every container on the map and checked again and bow.compound is no longer on the list.


So it seems what you're seeing in your printout is the items which exist in lootable containers,
and not an issue.



"my system resources are overloaded every 10 days or so"
If you're running the server continuously you should consider automating a reboot every 24 hours.
Pretty much every server owner does that, to keep things fresh.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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i just want to make sure i'm understanding that this is normal. i first realized it was an issue in may, when i started 2 week wipes.

3 occasional players that wipe. 3500 map. terminus, so low entity count right off the bat (unfortunately, i didn't capture that, as i didn't realize there was an issue) - no ore nodes, ground piles, etc. and it's difficult to build, so if you get a 2x2 up, you're lucky.

oh. and i restart every night.

this was about 10 days in, when i was talking to the server guys. there were over 1k bows added daily.




Edited by Lolapalooza
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  • Administrator

Would you be willing to DM me your CustomLoot config json file, all the loot tables from /data/CustomLoot, and your map size and seed please?

I'll run a clone of your setup overnight and track what's happening.

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i'd love to. i'm sure it's something i have done. it doesn't seem to matter which map i use. i first noticed the problem in may, and i build a new map each wipe, so it's not map-dependent. i'll send you my files. thanks so much for your help!


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Thanks for the info and help in tracking this down.
I think I've found a weapon-item leak and have patched it now.

I'm keeping an eye over here too, just to make sure, but I'm attaching a copy that I'm pretty sure solves the problem.

It wont address the immediate entity count but should stop it increasing any further, give or take the quantity of items which are actually created and put in loot containers.


I'll update publicly, properly, when I'm certain it's completely resolved.


Edited by Steenamaroo
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