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AirDrop NPCs Delay

Closed 1.3.0



When an airdrop event happens (plane flies over the map) NPC's are spawned on the location instantly. Then airdrop falls (we're using vanilla drop speed for a variety of reasons) and during this period while the drop is falling from the sky, players can randomly bump into these strong NPCs and get sniped in the middle of nowhere. Then they realize it was the drop. When the drop finally falls on the ground, whoever loots it there's no danger anymore.
Can you please add a check or something to spawn the NPCs as soon as the drop hits the ground, not being just dropped? Or if that's too complicated, include a timer delay (value calculated based on the vanilla speed and changeable per server basis) so you can choose when the NPCs will spawn properly.



Has been added to our notes for future updates for review and consideration.

From what I remember that is not normal behavior I believe they normally actually wait for the drop to hit ground but will look into it as well.



Hello everyone, this is not difficult to do, I can add this, it is much easier than the algorithm that is made now. But this particular algorithm was chosen for a reason. The fact is that players arrive at the crash site of the AirDrop much earlier than it falls to the ground and stand waiting for it, this happens most often. And thus, when the AirDrop comes into contact with the ground, many NPCs will appear around the players and they will immediately kill them, and the players will not even have time to understand who killed them. Let me know if this factor has not convinced you that such an implementation seems more correct and I will add such a parameter to the configuration for you. You can also use tickets in Discord Mad Mappers (https://discord.gg/w6ayNfDGAk) to get in touch with me quickly



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