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Closed 2.8.7



Posted (edited)

i'm probably blind but... i can't seem to spawn scientists, only murderers. is there any option in the config or profile i might have skipped/not seen?

i saw this in the documentation "Murderers And Scientists (true)" but can't find it in any file, so i assume its an old option no longer available?


thx for any help )

Edited by fuscazo


hi, that setting is no longer necessary. the settings are as follows

Amount Of Scientists To Spawn
Minimum Amount Of Scientists To Spawn
Spawn Scientists Outside - if you set this false then they cannot spawn outside
Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore) - if too many spawn inside then they cannot spawn outside



ok that was probably the issue, didn't get that the ones inside came from the total amount )

is it possible to guarantee resources (sulfur,. frags, ...) to always be selected for loot, apart from lowering the probability of everything else and leaving the resources at 1.0?


plugin is amazing, having a blast 




yes, but setting probability to 1.0 does not guarantee it to be spawned. all items in the game have a probability of 1.0 by default. the loot system works like a lottery where everything is pooled together, is randomly selected, and then the probability is rolled on. if the probability fails then it will either be pooled again, or discarded, depending on how it's configured.

Base Loot table exists for two reasons. 1. provides loot for a specific profile, 2. ability to always spawn specific loot (such as resources)

Difficulty Loot table exists to provide loot for every profile that has the respective difficulty setting, and this loot table should contain the majority of items which are randomly picked from

#2 requires Always Spawn Base Loot Table be enabled in the profile

glad you enjoy it!



Awesome, will test it tomorrow 5am here! The plugin got me up late. Yeah, its truly amazing. I was a bit sceptical, but after trying it... its just amazing. No words.

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quick question:

can we only spawn scientists inside the houses? because i set scientists to zero, then murderers to 2, and then inside sleepers to 1, so to my understanding there should be 1 murderer outside and one murderer sleeping. but they are both outside, so that's why i understand that only scientists can spawn inside. is that right?



hi, yes, only scientists can spawn inside of the base. the npcs inside are stationary and cannot move


Posted (edited)

cool yeah, looked like it, just wanted to be sure.


Edited by fuscazo


heya. no, there's no setting to specify how many to spawn. though you can set the probability for these items. if the roll is not successful then the item will be skipped



"When copying a base with CopyPaste, make certain that you copy the base from eye level of the foundation outside of the base" what does this mean exactly? english is not my native language.

does this mean my eyes have to be in line with the top of the foundation when i copy the base? my eyes have to be at the level where the foundation touches the ground? i'm a bit confused by that. completely my fault 😛



that information is wrong. ill have to update.

go to center of base.

look at foundation.

copy base

paste base to see results!

if bad result then try again with noclip


Posted (edited)

mmmm i got C4 in a "hard" base, but i don't have c4 in the base_loot or difficulty_loot for hard bases. i double checked in the loot app and in the files themselves manually. 100% there's no c4 in those tables. also it's not in the default loot table. any idea of why this may be? maybe i'm not noticing something? also got an LR-300 and an ak47 which are not in the loot tables. i'm confused af.

the only table those items are is in the "expert" tables (i have no "nightmare" bases for now). but why would it be pulling items from the "expert" table for the "hard" base?

C4 is only in the Base_Loot table for "Expert".

AK47 and LR300 are only in the Difficulty_Loot table for "Expert". 

EDIT: i just saw a Survey Charge in a "Hard" raid too, and Survey Charges are not in any of my loot tables. but i found that all these items are in the "Default_Loot.json". So i assume that's where they're coming from. How do i stop that from happening? i have 110 unique items in the Hard difficulty loot table, and in the config i have set to pull 85, so it should not be pulling them from the default loot table if i understood it correctly, right? 

as stated in the documentation: "This is the default list, and is only used when all other loot tables do not have a sufficient amount of loot to spawn based on the Amount Of Items To Spawn setting."

EDIT2: i think it's solved. i didnt delete "Default_Loot.json" because i assumed the plugin would re-create it if it didn't exist, so i just deleted all the items in it.

Edited by fuscazo


heya. ya it wasn't able to pull 85 so it grabbed from the default file. it's recommend that you delete it since it's just a default example so at least something will spawn with the base. it will recreate an empty file but it wont repopulate it. deleting the items works the same too yes

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Posted (edited)

mmmm, somehow i noticed that weapons dropped by murderers (havent tried scientists) when you kill them, are usable like any normal weapons. but after server restart, those weapons become unusable. the AMMO number in the slot disappears, and when you select the weapon, the player doesn't draw it at all. you can see in this picture, a weapon dropped by murderers VS a normal AK spawned as admin.

Murderer AK: https://gyazo.com/fe96a1d1ee6fd0bf6d83917780b4541f

Normal AK: https://gyazo.com/14e514507b93cf6ef06920874dc5f2ff

Video swapping: https://gyazo.com/0cdec42a2f7ce492a8cc13ab8a418910

am i missing something? doesn't seem normal to me. is there something i need to change in the config? otherwise i rather have them not dropping weapons, because players get mad when they see their weapons don't work the next day.

Edited by fuscazo


hi this is fixed next update


Posted (edited)

here's the fix for that.

line 9884, delete


Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

i've noticed from time to time a base spawns with no NPCs, and they seem to never spawn after.

i don't have enough data to compare, but i'd swear that most of the times, if not all, are bases like this one close to the sea.

could this option have anything to do? should i lower it? "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 3.0, like maybe they're dying in the water? idk, i have no clue

EDIT: i changed "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs" to 2, and now all bases had NPC, but maybe it's a coincidence.
EDIT 2: nah, even with max water depth of 2 sometimes a base spawns with no NPC. also a water base btw -> 
and another one

just to clarify, the ones not spawning are the Murderers. i have it set so that 1 scientist spawns inside as a sleeper, and 1 murderer spawns outside has an active NPC. its always the Murderers that sometimes don't spawn. the sleeping scientist always spawn in every base.

i have "Kill Underwater Npcs": true, maybe that's the case?

but shouldn't NPCs respawn again on the timer even if killed when spawned underwater? 

EDIT 3:  after setting "Kill Underwater Npcs": false, i tested and in 54 bases, ALL had NPCs, so i guess with this option set as true they get killed and NEVER spawn again?


by the way, is this message from this addon? "(16:52:38) | CONTACT DEVELOPERS! LootContainer::PopulateLoot has null inventory!!!" don't know how to figure out which one its from xD

Edited by fuscazo


"Kill Underwater Npcs": true, 
"Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 3.0

heya. these are the settings. if you lower the number then it will kill them in shallow water too. increase it and disable the first option

I'm not sure if that message is from a plugin. it is regarding barrels / crates though



25 minutes ago, nivex said:

"Kill Underwater Npcs": true, 
"Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 3.0

heya. these are the settings. if you lower the number then it will kill them in shallow water too. increase it and disable the first option

I'm not sure if that message is from a plugin. it is regarding barrels / crates though

but shouldnt they respawn after killed tho? because i think in each difficulty profile we have a respawn timer for NPCs right?

i set "Kill Underwater Npcs": FALSE and now everything seems fine. with it on TRUE sometimes there would be no NPC and it would never spawn.


what is the purpose of killing them? do they get stuck underwater if not killed? 


Posted (edited)

I don't think they will respawn. no, they'd just end up too deep in the water again then

because players hate when they're underwater. nonstop complaints before

Edited by nivex



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