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NPC's do nothing

Not a Bug 1.1.3

Just bought installed and ran with no changes for a test but the NPC's walk around like lost puppies no firing nothing.. I have water Treatment Showdown and that works perfectly but this I cant get the NPC's to aggro  the scarecrows will hurt and attack but nothing else. Yes I have NPC Spawn installed with the latest version as I said my water Treatment plant one works just fine but this one doesn't as you can see from the video clip here https://medal.tv/games/rust/clips/i368IGs1M7V3DlGrr/d1337WSnfLyw?invite=cr-MSw5RHQsMTc0NDk0Mzgs

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On 6/11/2024 at 4:35 PM, TwoShoes said:

Just bought installed and ran with no changes for a test but the NPC's walk around like lost puppies no firing nothing.. I have water Treatment Showdown and that works perfectly but this I cant get the NPC's to aggro  the scarecrows will hurt and attack but nothing else. Yes I have NPC Spawn installed with the latest version as I said my water Treatment plant one works just fine but this one doesn't as you can see from the video clip here https://medal.tv/games/rust/clips/i368IGs1M7V3DlGrr/d1337WSnfLyw?invite=cr-MSw5RHQsMTc0NDk0Mzgs

Hi @TwoShoes


Sorry for the late response. You can change the NPC behaviour from the config, for example if you want to change the roam range, there is a specific option for it 

You can play around with this values to have your ideals


"Name": "Guardian", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 30.0, "Speed": 5.5,


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I see that but they don't aggro at all no matter what I change the settings to at default they should aggro right? or is it set for them to do nothing for default just walk around an do nothing?

I've checked the config multiple times as the config is default and they still do nothing at default or compleatly changed I even set then same as water treatment showdown and they still dont aggro 

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If they just sit and do nothing this plugin does nothing for me. I've wasted way to long on 1 plugin not getting the NPC's to aggro I've checked my PVE plugin added then to an exception restarted the plugin and the server wasted 2+ days to get it to work and still they do nothing, 

Edited by TwoShoes
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So I removed the plugin from the config lang etc everywhere re downloaded a fresh copy and re added and this is what I get in console 

(16:59:12) | FerryTerminalEvent was compiled successfully in 1453ms
(16:59:12) | [Ferry Terminal Event]
(16:59:12) | [Ferry Terminal Event] Your configuration is an older version than the actual plugin, please update the config accordignly. You might experience issues in the plugin otherwise
(16:59:12) | [Ferry Terminal Event] Expected Version 1.1.2
(16:59:12) | [Ferry Terminal Event] Newest Version 1.1.3
(16:59:12) | [Ferry Terminal Event]
(16:59:12) | Loaded plugin Ferry Terminal Event v1.1.3 by Yac Vaguer

maybe this is why its not working?

Edited by TwoShoes
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OK once I changed the 

"Event Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 2


"Event Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 3

it all works now not sure why that would make a HUGE difference 

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On 6/13/2024 at 2:34 PM, TwoShoes said:

If they just sit and do nothing this plugin does nothing for me. I've wasted way to long on 1 plugin not getting the NPC's to aggro I've checked my PVE plugin added then to an exception restarted the plugin and the server wasted 2+ days to get it to work and still they do nothing, 

The way they move depends on the SpawnNpc plugin, I do nothing regarding their behaviours, are you referring to all the NPC or just one specific? 

Actually I have people changing the config because it is way too difficult for some servers


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  • Moderator

Sadly, NPC AI in the game (used by most Plugins) are not too clever, and can glitch when placed close to entities. It has improved over the past 5 years, but there are still a lot of edge cases where they just stand their drooling.

Hopefully you too can sort something out. Just know NPC are the hardest part of getting an event right, if it involved a building.


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