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MIssle Sillo NPC not updated

Pending 1.0.38

Hi, I am aware you are not able to grab the default loot for missle silo NPC, but even updating it with custom items does not apply in-game. Is it currently not supported or am I doing something incorrectly?

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I am not aware of any issues with the missile silo npcs. Make sure you edit the right configuration - there is one for the npcs in the silo and one for the npcs on the surface

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Can you please double check it then?
I have set both npc's loot to diving mask just to test if it works:


But as you can see the loot is still not changed. It works for any other npc:RustClient_4mVepuUQ6p.png.6d40347db9f9d5f886fe8c671c3dbcfe.pngRustClient_pI1EChk04T.png.138eeddaab4b07e1a3eba079408e09de.png

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Another problem I am having though, is with modifying hte quary rates:

No matter what i add, how i change the amount/work required it stays vanilla and gives +/- 200 stone/tick is this some known issue?

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