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Unlimited PVP

Closed 1.0.6


Posted (edited)

Is there a way I could utilize this to keep PVP on bases all the time? We are running a 'light PVP' server and if I can make this work it would be perfect for us. I'm thinking with the current setup I could reduce the time between checks so the plugin is looking for 'abandoned' bases every hour or so, looking for base owners that have been offline inside a short period of time. If I were to put the timer for PVP to -1 would it stick around forever?

Hoping to make this work as is, or with some modification.

Edited by Neighigh


To clarify, our goal is to have PVP/Raid Bubbles on all bases/TCs at all times. The above is my understanding that we might be able to get your plugin as close to this as possible.



This discussion needs to wait until the update is released where it should be possible, except those bases would be raidable, too.

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Yup that's perfect for me! Thanks for working towards that direction, we're looking forward to having this happen.

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"Despawn Timer": 1800.0,

set this to 0


"Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires": false,

set this true


"Remove Ownership From Bases": true

set this false, but doing so will cause Prevent Looting to prevent players from looting boxes. they'll have to destroy them to loot them in this case


sar purge

this will set the server into purge mode where all bases are converted to abandoned bases. should be ran from server console, or by someone with abandonedbases.admin permission and abandonedbases.purgeday permission

I do not have the capability to test this so I suggest doing this on a test server using a copy of your map and map sav files from rustserver/server/identity/*.sav





That's pretty close to what we want! Hoping to allow the owners to keep running their bases though. I've seen this is a topic covered elsewhere and you're working on it? If so I'm a mega fan of that!! ❤️ 



this should allow that now. I just don't have any way to test it. all you need to do when the server starts is run the sar purge command. owners should be able to keep their base with the settings above



Gotcha, that makes sense now, i missed the true/false bit on that setting. I don't have anything to test this with either but I can activate it close to the end of our monthly wipe and give it a go. Would the base owners also lose the ability to loot the boxes or will it keep it's functionality for authorized individuals?



it should keep it since it should be configured to not remove their ownership. let me know how it goes !



Testing now, so far so good! Only trouble I'm having so far is some of the structures people create on their property are 'too close' to eachother. Is there a parameter we can have available in the config to have control of this feature? I looked at the cs and it's not entirely clear to me how the plugin is going about deciding this so I'm stuck for now. - Will update more while I test this out. So far it's been non-destructive to test this on a live server with the above settings, so looks solid for what we went over so far!


Posted (edited)

We've also found a way to handle RP structures that we don't want to be raided at all. Simply not including a TC and assigning a Zone via Dynamic PVP/Zone Manager with appropriate flags to keep them safe has resulted in a great way to maintain them while excluding them from Abandoned Bases.

Edited by Neighigh


there isn't really a viable parameter to control, other then the Radius of each event which has multiple options. though changing this will cause other issues with the dome not encompassing some base entirely. the only real solution would be to remove the check entirely

private bool EventTerritory(Vector3 position) => false;

you would need to replace the existing method with this one

glad to hear its working well for you!



That worked perfectly!! We now have a fully PVE server that allows people to defend and attack bases within an acceptable range, while also keeping specified structures indestructible. You've been a major part of this as we use quite a few of your resources, so thank you very much! You've got our continued support for the foreseeable future 😄 

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np glad its sorted



Changed Status from Pending to Closed


Posted (edited)

@Neighighon second thought that replacement of code would disable other features of the plugin, too. which is bad

find this code:

            if (EventTerritory(center))
                Message(user, "Near Abandoned Base");

                return Response.Skipped;

and remove it and you'll be good


ill make this optional next update as, Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together enabled by default

Edited by nivex


Thanks! This worked too, except I couldn't delete the whole string without causing an error with the plugin loading:

Error while compiling: AbandonedBases.cs(2157,82): error CS0103: The name `center' does not exist in the current context

So now my file reads this instead:

            var center = GetCenterFromMultiplePoints(foundations);

            if (EventTerritory(center))


All seems to work fine like this 🙂 



Found a small issue with tool cupboards. I imagine this may be a bit tricky, but we found once a cupboard was destroyed, we could no longer damage the base or the entities attached. Once we were able to place our own, we could destroy as normal again. So for now, we have an ingame workaround, and thanks to the ingame message it seems to be something any player could figure out how to resolve on their own.

I've looked at the cs file in an attempt to find what's calling on this function but I've been unlucky finding the proper edits. I'm feeling it has something to do with a privilage function like priv == null but I'm pretty lost at this point on making a no tc base damageable. Thoughts?



ill look into it thanks!

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are you still having this issue @Neighigh? I was not able to reproduce it



Sorry I forgot about this! I was also unable to reproduce it after the incident. The original issue was actually produced when the player had used multiple tcs in an overlapping privilege build so I'm beginning to suspect this was the actual cause.
For now, the only time a base seems to not take damage with our setup is when it started without a TC. Players just place their own to initiate the raid and all goes well. Any time a TC is broken, the raid continues as it should, which is perfect!



awesome thanks for letting me know



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