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Permissions are not updated automatically

Pending 1.32.3



i am not sure where to put this problem.

Situation is:
Some skills grant permissions like "backpacks.use.5" for the 5th row of Backpack plugin.

If i buy this skill the 5th Row is still inactiv.
I cannot see the permission in the permission manager either.
If i reload the whole Backpack-Plugin, i can access the 5th row. (same for other plugins. i have to relaod the plugin)

Don't know if it is a skills-related problem, or a new change to permissions in global?

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I uploaded the video.

(I have the same problem for other plugins like SignArtist, Backpacks,.. So it is not just a GatherManager Problem but i only recorded that one because it is easy to reproduce for me 🙂

Feels like the permissions are somehow cached but not "announced" to related plugins?

If you need another showcase or a livesteam add me in discord "toliman"

Skill-Config for GatherManager-Permission:

      "Enabled": true,
      "Permission": null,
      "Type": "None",
      "ID (for None)": 9,
      "Image": "",
      "Title": "Green Thumb",
      "Description": "[DE]   Sammele mehr Hanf, Beeren, Pilze und Dieselfässer\n[ENG] Collect more hemp, berries, shrooms and diesel barrels.\nLevel 1: 2x Pickup\nLevel 2: 3x Pickup 2x Crops\nLevel 3: 4x Pickup 3x Crops",
      "Shortname": "",
      "Stages": {
        "1": {
          "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "",
          "Cost": 1000.0,
          "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0,
          "Value 2": 0.0,
          "Commands": [],
          "Groups": [],
          "Permissions": [
          "Required skill stages": []
        "2": {
          "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "",
          "Cost": 1500.0,
          "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0,
          "Value 2": 0.0,
          "Commands": [],
          "Groups": [],
          "Permissions": [
          "Required skill stages": []
        "3": {
          "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "",
          "Cost": 2000.0,
          "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0,
          "Value 2": 0.0,
          "Commands": [],
          "Groups": [],
          "Permissions": [
          "Required skill stages": []


"3": {
      "DayRateMultPickup": 4.0	
      "PermGroup": "gathercontrol.pickup3"

//same with pickup1 and pickup2


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